Chapter 20 - Third Years

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*two years later, all first years are third years*
*Yuki's pov*

It was the first day of school again. My last year here. I breathed in, then out as I stood outside greeting and introducing the club to any interested first years. This was the year I finally find someone to take over as manager hand I'm gone!

A while went by and I checked the time.

8:10 am.

They would be calling everyone inside in a little bit so I should start cleaning up.

I sighed as I was unable to find new members or a manager. Well I gave a few some information, but they weren't all that interested. Of course we do have new applicants as well. I lifted up four sheets of paper that were filled out.

Hikaru, Konosaki, Apollo, and Karasawa. Well at least theres some people. I headed another sigh then a small girl popped up.

She had short, puffy, brown hair that went lighter towards the ends. Her eyes were emerald green with hints of yellow. She wore gold circle glasses and had natural pink to her face.

"E-Excuse me I was Uh um wondering if the boy volleyball club was needing a manager maybe.." she said quietly as she messed with her collar. She must be shy. How cute.

"The guys volleyball actually does need a new manager." I said smiling. Her face suddenly lit up.

"R-really?!" She gasped.

I nod in response.

"C-Can I be a manager?!" She asked eagerly.

I laughed at how she was set on being a manager.

"Course you can. We just need to go through something's before you can really join." I told her.

"A-Anything! I wanna be a manager!" She gleamed.

"Well can I ask you a question?"

"Yes ma'm!"

Ma'm? I'm not that older.

"Why do you want to be a manager?" I asked. Her eyes were wide then a smile appeared on her face.

"Because my friends play and I like to motivate them. I can never really do it when I'm on the seats watching, so I wanna be there up close for them! I wanna be there to support them in what their passionate about!" She stayed and I smiled at her answer.

"How about you meet the team after school in the gym?" I asked with a smile.

"R-really!? I'd love to!" She said.

"Great! Oh and by any chance are these your friends?" I asked as I showed her the applicant papers. She scanned each one then spoke.

"All four! We've all been going to the same school for years so we're good friends!"

"Wow that's cool! And now you have a jump start on getting to know the team!" I said and she gleamed even brighter. She was like a mini sun.

"I'm so excited! When do I start?" She asked.

"Well I mean if you wouldn't mind I could maybe start you now~" I said winking.

"Yes I'll help! I'd love to start now!" She said and I laughed.

"I love your energy! I'm Yuki by the way, a third year manager for the team!" I smiled.

"Oh I'm Sapphire and a first year manager for the team!" She smiled.

I patted her on the shoulder.

"I can tell you're going to be a joy to have around Sapphire." I said and she hugged me.
Awe jeez she's so cute.

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