Chapter 11 - Betrayed And Regret

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*Calris's pov*
As we finished stretches, I saw Yuki nowhere. It had been a while since we all left the dining hall. "Okay everyone huddle up please!" The coach called. Everyone huddled up.
"Okay so we're going with Fukurodani first so if everyone could please line up like a match along the line." He said. We all dispersed and got into the line. Then I heard Yuki.
I saw her talk to the coach then she nodded and went to the front of the line. Why was she lining up?

*Yuki's pov*
Why am I lined up? I can't possibly be a player! I had to meet Katsuki and Maku though. No my team comes first! As I rocked back and forth in my feet I felt a tap on my shoulder. Katsuki. He smiled and jogged to the opposite side of the court. That's right we're going against them. I guess none of us can really meet. Then Naomi stood next to me. We exchanged smiles.
"Okay everyone!" Our coach shouted, grabbing our courts attention.
"We have a very fun opening for today planned. It's going to be blanket volleyball."
Blanket volleyball?
"And I know the managers are probably confused on why they are included, Well you're allowed to play these fun games. Now everyone separate into teams of four!" He said and everyone moved.
"Yuki!" I heard someone call. I turned and saw Calris and Garrett.
"Hey you guys!" I smiled.
"Hey you wanna team with us Yuki?" Garrett asked me.
"Yeah, But I have no idea what blanket volleyball is." I said.
"It's where each team gets a blanket and you basically play volleyball only using the blanket and communication." Calris Explained.
"Oh that sounds cool!" I said.
"Hey and I was gonna ask why you took so long to get here." Calris Asked.
"Oh I got distracted." I smiled.
"Oh well try not to cause Calris was worried the whole time~" Garrett said.
"I-I was not!" He stuttered and blushed. I blushed at the fact that he was worried.
"Okay does everyone have full teams?" Coach asked. I looked at our team.
"We need one more person." Calris said.
"Okay you're a team of three then."
"Now everyone please come get your blankets!"
Garrett offered to get our blanket so it was Calris and I.
"Hey I didn't get to tell you, but your food was really good." He said as he turned pink. I smiled.
"Thanks. It's been a while since someone special has told me.." I said looking down.
What did I just say!? My eyes went wide and I turned to look at Calris. He was R E D
"W-Wait I didn't Uh I- I um!" I stuttered at a loss for words. I turned red as well and he just put his arm around me and covered his red face with his free hand.
"Don't i-its Okay." He said. I felt myself warm up, not even effected by the fact that he put his arm around me.
"Hey what's wrong with you two?" Garrett asked and surprised us. Calris immediately moved his arm away.
"N-nothing!" We both stammered.
Garrett life's an eyebrow and then put the blanket over me.
"Look Calris doesn't it look like she's wearing a wedding veil?" He asked. What!? I turned red.
Calris looked at me and I saw blood drip from his nose.
"Calris!" I said.
"I'm f-fine." He said as he was as red as a tomato. I saw Garrett grin.
"Oh that's right Yuki I was going to ask if it was okay for you to play you know even with your uh sickness..?" Garrett asked. He's just ignoring this!? I breathe in and out
"I-it should be okay. I'll tell you guys if I feel bad."
"Alright! Everyone has their blankets so let's begin! Garrett's and Maku's team will go first.
I felt my chest tighten as I panicked.
"C'mon guys! We're gonna beat everyone!" Cheered Garrett as we left to the middle of the court. Then I felt the blanket get taken of my head. It was Calris. He then ruffled my hair.
"Let's go shorty. Don't wanna keep them waiting." He said as he smiled, his face still red.
I smile and nod and we met with Garrett.
"Okay everyone spread out your blanket. This is supposed to help your teamwork and communication skills. Fukurodani will serve. You must use only your blanket to push the ball back and forth over the net. Who ever gets to 3 points first wins. Everyone got that?"
We all answer and he sets the ball on Maku's teams blanket. His team was of him, Katsuki, and two other guys I didn't recognize.
"Here Yuki." Garrett said handing me a corner of the blanket. I took it and held it with both hands. Garrett had one corner and Calris had the other two.
"Ready?" Coach asked.
"Yes sir!" We answered and they served.
They sunk the blanket down and quickly brought it back up, launching the ball over the net and to our side.
"Left! Left!" Garrett shouted and we all moved. When the ball was about to hit the blanket, we sunk the blanket and launched it back over.
There were cheers from our team and the opposing. It went on like this until we got the first point.
"It's okay we'll get the next one!" I heard Katsuki tell his team.
The guys nodded and we were serving next.

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