Chapter 15 - Encouraging Talks

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*Yuki's pov*
I was stunned at what had just happened. As Naomi walked me to the restroom it all just kept replaying in my head.

"K-Katsuki were not d-dating!" I stuttered and I quickly turned to Calris for him to say something too.
"W-Well I mean..," He stuttered and looked away. WHAT!?

It felt like my brain had stopped working.
"Yuki are you okay?" Naomi asked as her and I stepped into the restroom.
"Wha?" I said still fried.
She laughed a bit.
"I asked if you were okay."
I shook my head and she laughed a little again.
"W-What's so funny!?" I asked.
"How you're acting Yuki. It's cute to see how flustered you get."
"Well it's not my fault! I don't even know what's happening anymore! Did he ask me out or he was just messing around? Did he confess or he was just trying to tease me? I don't understand!" I cried and shook my head in my hands.
"Yuki calm down! One question at a time!"
Gah my brain hurts.
I nod and start to mess with my hands.
"I-I don't know where to start." I said.
"How about we talk about how you feel about Calris for a start."
I nod in agreement.
"Okay, Well when you're with him how do you feel?" She asked. Jeez it felt like I was in therapy or something.
"Um well I feel happy and uh... excited I guess. I don't know!" I said frustrated already.
"Yuki calm down and just think." She smiled.
I breathed in then out. I thought long and hard about the question. How I feel when I'm with him...
The first time we met appeared in my head. I smiled at the thought.
"When I first met him I actually hated him. He was mean and teased me a lot,"

The next memory popped up, when him, Garrett and I were playing cards.

"Later when we got to know each other and started hanging out I realized he wasn't as mean as I had originally thought. He was actually really fun and considerate,"

The next one appeared. When I had told them about my sickness that night on the tennis court and he had caught me.

"As we bonded more they began to know more about me and he was like a prince in a way. There when I needed him,"

Then the moment when they offered me the manager position.

"He was always happy to include me in things and sweet,"

Then before I knew it I was recalling all of our memories together. When I fell on him that one time, the times we always ate together at lunch, when he teased me about my size the morning of the trip, when he comforted me on the bus, he messed with my hair, held my hand, the moment when he got sad about me not eating with them, when we played together on the court, when he kissed my head, when I found him outside after he got jealous of Katsuki, when he cried for me and I cried on him, the way he made eye contact and gave smiles to one another, when he stayed with me to help, when he wanted more praise, I kissed his forehead, and then what just happened popped into my head.

"Yuki, you still there?" Naomi asked.

"When I said we weren't dating, he said well I mean. And that means he wanted to!" I said and looked at Naomi.

"But do you feel the same way, that's what you have to ask yourself Yuki." She said putting her hand on my shoulder.

I thought again. But not about the memories, about what I knew about just him. About his personality.

He's sweet, caring, sensitive for sure, gets jealousy easily sometimes, protective, comforting, understanding, a little aggravating when he teases me, cute, fun. Everything I'd want for someone I'd be in relationship with.

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