You Again!

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Elsa's P.O.V.
Oh hell no... no how could she...
I turned to look at Jack and he looked at me calmly. I could tell he wasn't surprised by this thtreatening phone call by THE PIG.

Yup thats right...Ann.
Her voice hasn't changed much since the last time I saw or heard her. But the hate that I had or have has grown a lot because it was her fault that my family was destroyed. And I don't blame the baby that she had with another father. The baby is an innocent child that shouldn't be the solution of Ann's problems.

When almost everything was about to be fine and my family was reuniting, she had to come back.

She was the main reason why there was a divorce between me and Jack. She was the reason why Jack didn't believe me and the reason why my baby, my Daniel couldn't have his father when he was born.

If she comes back, there is no doubt that she would want to mess with my family. There is no doubt that she wants to destroy my family like the same way I have broken hers.

I honestly can't believe that there is people with so much hate inside. They don't know what love is or how it feels. How affected a person could get without love is what makes villians and people without mercy.

Jack got me out of my sort of daydream and told me that her target will be Daniel. And that we will need to be hidden for safety reasons. Wow. Even Daniel will have to be part of this crap.

I was laying down on my bed and thought that tommorow was going to be a good day. But little did i know that the next day, my Daniel wouldn't be near me. Near his family. And my worst nightmare was beginning to happen.

When i woke up the next day, I turned around and nobody was there with me. I stood up and started walking downstairs. I saw Jack cooking and he came up to me and kissed me. I responded, as always.

"And Daniel?" I asked

"What do you mean?" He responded with concern

"When I woke up, there was no one beside me "

When I said that, Jack immediately went up to the room. I followed right behind him. We both saw a note on the floor. Jack picked it up, read it and looked at me. I was panicking. I thought I wasn't breathing well.

"Well, what does it say!?" I screamed/asked.

When he didn't respond I snatched the paper away from his hands. The paper had messy writing but it was readable. The note said this:

Oh the frost family, the family that I belong to, the family that Elsa took away from me
since my dear Elsa was asleep and her baby was already moving its little toes and waking up. I decided that it was best for the baby to leave with me.
Since you took Jack away I will take your baby away from you unless you decide to give me back Jack and leave my family alone. Even though Jack is not the biological father of my baby but he really really wants to be the stepfather of my baby. So if you want to exchange, you know where to look for me. Bitch.
Jack you actually made me do this. Because without you my baby is really lonely and so am I.
But if you guys don't want to exchange, then you will never be able to see your Daniel. And I will make sure he suffers.
                 Your bestest friend, Ann

"What are we going to do?" I asked

"We have to go somewhere to exchange so that you can have our baby but she just says you know where to look for me "he responded

"I think i know where."i said trying to remember

"I think it was the same place where we last talked." I added but i felt like goosebumps all over my arms.
I didn't want to go there because of thr horrible memories that I had.

"Remember that you are and will be my love for the rest of my life. And that Ann won't change a damn thing between my feelings for you. Because you  are the most beautiful woman in this world."

I started to cry and he noticed i whispered, "I love you too and it hurts me having to exchange one family member for the other. This wasn't in our plans."

"I know, i know" he replied.

We had our last kiss and started making our way to that place.

So i haven't had enough time but yea still going. Five or something  chapters left. And I AM SORRY I WAS BUSY YESTERDAY IT WAS MY BIRTHDAY SO YEA. I am sorry.
-Alejandra Wendy Paulina

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