My Doctor

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Elsa's P.o.v.

I left to go see the Doctor and I changed my clothes (up in the media)

Brought Merida with me.....

"Okay, so it looks like you have been pregnant for like three weeks so far....."-Doctor

"Is anything wrong?"-Elsa

"It's just..."-Doc

".........................." -Elsa

"I was wondering where is the father?"-Doc

"Does there have to be a father in every situation like this? " - I asked

He wanted me to tell him what happened... 

"No, it's just that.... you are beautiful woman and it's almost impossible to believe that such woman would be alone in something like this"-Doctor

"Well believe it or not it is true...." -I said coldly and he noticed 

"Do you want the test results..."-Doc

"yes please"- me

I left the clinic...I can't believe I am pregnant.... if only Jack was here....if only i didn't enter right when they were there.....but what is done is done and there is no way out.

Merida came with me to go to the clinic cuz I needed to make a second test.

"Are you going to tell Jaa- him about the baby?"-Mer

"No, he doesn't deserve to know anything about us....Yet"-Elsa

" What do you mean?"-Mer

"I mean that just in case he finds out about the baby...I'll just have to make up an excuse and tell him that I didn't find him anywhere or that I saw him with Ann"-Elsa

"What the fuck....

.....Am i deaf or did you just actually call that bitch by her name"-Mer

"Its no use anyway...

She got away with what she wanted.."-Elsa

"They are


 most likely making their own family right now or....

 Ann is starting to get the symptoms of Pregnancy"-Elsa

"It was her fault though

She messed up with your man

Jack just fell in her trap

Think positive like you always do "- Merida

"I already did enough and failed

I....Tried my best to keep Jack from falling in her trap...

I already thought posive things my whole life...

But right now, Ja- he gave me a new opportunity to enjoy my life and bring something new into my life..."-Elsa

"You're right

Although having babies isn't as easy as you think... trust me my kids always make a mess of everything"-Mer

"you have always thought of that"-Elsa

"Cuz it is true"-Merida

"I dont care .....I want this baby"-Elsa

I started rubbing my stomach, my little creature.....

"I have one last question..Els"-Merida

"uggh.. what now.."-Elsa

"What are you going to do if Jack wants to see the baby or take care of it??!!!!"-Merida


"Better yet....what if he wants to kill the baby or wants you to get rid of it..."-Mer

"Well...if he wants me to get rid of it....I'll leave the city and get away from him

But if he wants to take care of the baby..................I don't know........I just simply don't know"-I frowned not knowing the answer

"Time will tell, time will tell......"-Mer

The day went fast....

I arrived home and then ate a little so that the baby will east something with me...

And then.....

I started talking to the baby....

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