Chapter Eight

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After I got off the phone with Luke, I walked into the living room. The house was a reck. Empty pizza boxes were scattered across table, soda cans and water bottles were thrown on the floor, and dirty t-shirts laid across the furniture. Right in the middle of the mess was Ashton and Michael, playing FIFA on the flatscreen.

"Oi! We need to clean up the house pronto!" I shouted over the sound system.

"Why?" Michael turned to look at me. He hated picking up after himself.

"Luke's bringing people over, most likely the girl he met yesterday, and he asked us to clean up the house."

After receiving several groans from the lads, I turned on my heel and walked back into my room. I threw my covers back so it looked like I made up my bed. I then grabbed my clothes from the floor, put them in a laundry basket, and proceeded to find my phone. I found it 5 minutes later underneath my bed covers. I sent Luke a quick text.

"Cleaning up the house. Are you bring that girl you met yesterday over?" I got an immediate reply.


"Is she bringing her friend?"

"Im not bringing her friend but I can ask Katy if she can swing by?"

"Ok cool"

I put my phone on the bed and walked back to the living room to see how much the lads have picked up.

"Seriously?!" I yelled. They hadn't moved an inch from their spots. "Luke will be home soon and the house is still a mess!"

"Alright Cal, chill." Ash got up and started picking up the pizza boxes and drinks. Mikey huffed, got up, turned off the TV, then grabbed all the clothes that were lying around. I stepped into the kitchen and was relieved to find that it was in pretty good shape. After wiping off the counters and putting a few cereal boxes in the cabinet, I left the kitchen and turned into the living room. Ash and Mikey were back in front of the TV but the living room was all cleaned up.

When I got back to my room, I changed into a new tank, my black skinnies, and slipped my vans on. Picking my phone up from the bed, I closed the door to my room and decided to sit in the living room and watch the lads play FIFA. After scrolling through twitter for a few minutes, I got a text from Luke.

"Be there in 5. Her friend is coming by a little later."

"K. All cleaned up"

I went back to scrolling through twitter, waiting for Luke to show up.

Falling In Love In A Coffee Shop (Luke Hemmings and Calum Hood Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now