Chapter Thirteen

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11:00 pm (3 hours after dinner at Panda Express)....


"So what do you think about her?" Luke asked me. We were all still sitting on the couch in the living room playing around on our guitars and drums.
"She's pretty awesome! She has a great voice too and good taste in music!"
"How do you know all of that? You didn't talk to her that much here or at the restaurant."
"Dude, who are you talking about? Im talking about Emily."
"Nah man I meant Katy, but I did see the way you were looking over at Emily." He said with a sly smile. "I think you're into her!"
I laughed and turned away to hide the redness in my cheeks.
"Awwww Calpal has a little crush!" Ashton chimed in, in his little girly voice.
"Awe shut up!" I laughed. "I do not!"
"It's alright man, I think I really like Katy." Luke said with a smile.
"Oh I would believe that! From that description you gave me yesterday, I don't know what came over you!"
Michael looked up from his guitar, "What description?" Luke looked over at me with a 'Don't you dare tell them' kind of face.
"Oh nothing, Luke just called me yesterday with the most detailed description of this girl he spilled coffee on. He sounded like some love-struck idiot! I had to double check to make sure I was talking to The Luke Hemmings on my caller ID!" I was laughing so hard by this point, I didn't even notice Luke was glaring at me.

Suddenly I was knocked to the ground. Luke was on top of me, trying to pin me down. Although he had longer legs than me, I was still stronger than him so it wasn't too hard to flip us over where I had the advantage. After our little wrestling match and a truce, we got off the ground to a few cheers from Ash and Mikey. By this point I was exhausted, I bid the lads goodnight and headed to my room. Before turning out the lights I checked my phone for any text messages. Sure enough, there was one text. From Emily.

"Hey Calum! I just wanted to say that I had a good time tonight and thank you for the jam session in your jeep! Hope to here from you again:)"

She had sent it about an hour ago and I knew she probably wouldn't reply if I texted back this late. I really liked hanging with Emily and I knew Luke really liked Katy. Thats when it hit me. I had a brilliant idea!
"Luke! Get your lazy ass up!" I hollered as I headed towards his bedroom. Luke cracked his door open enough to stick his head out.
"Why are you yelling? I thought you were going to sleep?"
"I have a great idea! Get dressed we are going to see the girls!"
"Really?! But aren't they at their apartment?"
"Yeah, and we are going to go surprise them."
"Yeah, ok, sounds like a plan."

After Luke got dressed again, he grabbed his keys and we stepped out of the flat.
"Do you even know where they live?" Luke asked as we pulled out of the parking lot.
"Umm yeah, Emily gave me their address." I typed their address into Luke's GPS and watched the map light up.

When we finally pulled up next to their apartment, I stepped out of the car and leaned over to look at Luke.
"Wait here man, I have an idea."

I looked up to the third floor and counted the windows from the left side. When I found Emily's window, I picked up a few rocks from the ground by the side walk and threw the first one. Tap. Nothing, maybe ai should throw a few more. Tap. Tap. I waited for a little while but no one appeared. I then picked up a bigger rock and chunked it at the window. Then I heard the crash. Crap!
"Oh shit!" I whispered. I watched Katy appear in the window.

"Calum! What the hell are you doing?"

"Shit" I repeated. "I was going to be cute and throw rocks at Emily's window..."

"Wrong window dumb ass!" She called down.

"Calum, are you serious? You broke Katy's window!?" Luke yelled out of the passenger window.

"Luke??" Katy called down.

Luke leaned down so that Katy could see him through the passenger window.

"Why are you here? It's 1am and I'm trying to sleep, Emily and I have to work tomorrow?" Katy scowled at us.

"Can we come in? Pleaseee?" I begged. I did not come across town to not see Emily. Katy left the window, probably to get Emily. I turned towards Luke and waved him over. He quickly parked the car and we walked up the steps of their building. We reached the door just as Katy opened it. She gave a me scowl which turned into a cheeky smile when her eyes laid on Luke. I rolled my eyes as the two hugged each other and stepped pass them to enter the apartment. And there she was, in little polka dot pajama shorts and a 5SOS T-shirt. She looked so cute with her hair curling every which way and puzzled look on her face. I stepped into the living room and smiled at the little sleeping beauty.

Falling In Love In A Coffee Shop (Luke Hemmings and Calum Hood Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now