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"Jimin," a voice called.

Jimin turned around quickly, his eyes widened. 

He saw a man with a cold glare walking towards him. His hair looked soft and was the color of a small duckling. His face looked young, but not innocent, he had the scariest expression. 

He got to Jimin's table and put his hand down, staring into the boy's surprised eyes. 

"Are you, Park Jimin?" He asked with a small head tilt as he continued to look down at the poor boy. 

Jimin blinked a few times before nodding slowly. 

The man smiled, making his face look soft, his eyes less intense and now forming two cute crescents. 

"Nice to meet you, I'm Min Yoongi."

Jimin's heart instantly stopped and he quickly got up from his seat. 

"I just remembered, I have to go," Jimin said quickly as he was about to run off but Yoongi grabbed his wrist. 

Jimin looked back with shock to see those cold eyes again. 

"Why in such a rush?" Yoongi questioned. 

Jimin just stared at him and swallowed hard. He wasn't bad looking, that was for sure. 

"I've got to meet someone, I lost track of time," Jimin said being a little lost from Yoongi's gaze. 

"Who are you going to meet?" Yoongi questioned. 

"A friend," Jimin said simply. 

"Who's your friend, I know everyone," Yoongi said to the boy who was still trying to leave. 

"It's Taehyung," Jimin said simply. 

"Oh, Kim Taehyung?"

Jimin just simply nodded. 

"I'll take you to him," Yoongi insisted as he tried to pull Jimin along, but he didn't move. 

"No, I have to go alone," Jimin said quickly. 

Yoongi just looked at him with suspicion before he let the small boy go. Jimin quickly ran off wondering why Min Yoongi decided to talk to him. He had to find Taehyung. 


"Taehyung!" Jimin practically yelled. 

Taehyung looked up from scrubbing the toilet. 

"Hey, Jimin, come to help clean?" Taehyung asked with a smile. 

"No, I have to tell you something," Jimin said, trying to catch his breath from running all the way there. "Min Yoongi came up to me and he knew my name."

Taehyung froze and looked at Jimin with wide eyes. 

"Are you serious?" Taehyung asked with shock. 

Jimin nodded quickly.

"That's not good Jimin. He wants you as his toy," Taehyung told him. 

Jimin's head tilted. 


"A sex toy," Taehyung said bluntly. 

Jimin's muscles tensed at Taehyung's words. 

"I don't want to get raped," Jimin said nervously, feeling a bit scared. 

"You won't, I promise I will protect you no matter what," Taehyung said to him. 

"Thank you," Jimin said with a sigh of relief. 

"Hey! What are you doing here? This bathroom is off limits," A small guard asked, looking directly at Jimin. 

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