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"Jimin, my baby, are you alright?" Jin asked as he went over to Jimin who was standing in front of his cell, hugging him tightly.

"Jin, where is Yoongi?" Jimin asked as he looked around the cell to see it was empty.

"He just went to make license plates," Jin said as he looked down at Jimin.

"Oh," Jimin said looking down. 

"Do you want to talk?" Jin asked with concern. 

"No, it's alright," Jimin said as he turned to leave.

"Come on Jimin, we can hang out till Yoongi comes back," Jin said as he grabbed Jimin's wrist.

"Can you tell me another story?" Jimin asked. 

"Sure I tell you a story," Jin said as he guided Jimin to sit on the bed. 


Yoongi was working when he started to feel tired. He usually didn't work this much so he wasn't used to it. 

Yoongi stopped what he was doing and left his station about to leave to take a break when he was suddenly stopped. 

"Where do you think you're going?" Wonwoo asked sternly. 

Yoongi turned around with annoyance.

"I need a break," Yoongi said about to walk out but the guard grabbed his shoulder and pulled him back. 

"You're not dying, get back to work," Wonwoo said with an intense glare. 

Yoongi let out a sigh as he went back to his work station and continued what he was doing. 

"New guard is tough," Yoongi said to Namjoonn who was next to him. 

"Dude be careful," Namjoon said. "I bet he'll put your ass in solitary if you slip up." 


Jimin was sound asleep on Jin's bed and Jin had gone to do something else, letting Jimin sleep. 

Yoongi came into the room irritated by the new guard. He was exhausted and didn't even know Jimin was in the other bed. 

"Fucking Wonwoo, maybe if I suck his dick he'll be a little less tense," Yoongi thought out loud. 

Jimin turned over and opened his eyes to see Yoongi. 

"Yoongi hyung," Jimin said as he sat up slightly and rubbed his eyes.

Yoongi looked over surprised to see Jimin. 

"Oh hey," Yoongi said simply with a small smile. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah, thank you by the way, for everything," Jimin said as he looked down, a light blush covering his cheeks. 

"Why don't you come over here?" Yoongi asked as he scooted over, making room for him. 

Jimin got off the bed and went over to Yoongi getting on the bed next to him. 

"Jimin, why would anyone do this to you?" Yoongi asked as he pulled Jimin into him. 

"I'm not good enough, I guess," Jimin said softly. 

"Has anyone been mean to you lately?" Yoongi asked. 

"No," Jimin said, but he remembered Hoseok. He decided not to tell Yoongi cause he knew Yoongi would get angry. 

"You can tell me okay," Yoongi said as he kissed Jimin's forehead. 

Jimin felt warm and safe in Yoongi's arms. It was only maybe a week ago when he was fully terrified of Yoongi, now he was letting the elder kiss his forehead and hold him. 

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