revenge - taehyung

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Yelling. The only thing Taehyung could hear from his bedroom. It was something that's been happening for a long time but over time it kept getting worst. It wasn't till Taehyung was 18 and ready to move out when the fighting stopped. 

It wasn't because his parents made up or got a divorce. No, it was because Taehyung's mother had passed away due to some serious head injury that Taehyung knew was because of his father. 

Taehyung was always known as a mama's boy. He loved his mother to death and he couldn't help but think her death was his fault. Every time he heard them fight he wanted to help but he just cowered in fear, fear for his own safety, scared that if he did intervene his father would beat the shit out of him, not that he hasn't already. 

He wanted to do something, wanted to avenge his mother's death but standing up to his father? That seemed out of the question, but he didn't think too much about it. Taehyung was currently sitting at an empty skate park that was decorated in graffiti. The black hood of his sweatshirt covering his face. 

"Tae," a voice called.

Taehyung looked over to see one of his friends coming over to him. 

"What are you doing here Mark?" Taehyung asked with a bit of confusion.

"Um, just late night walk, what about you?" Mark asked a bit uneasy.

"Same thing," Taehyung lied.

"Oh," Mark said looking down at his shoes.

"I know you didn't just come out here for a walk Mark," Taehyung said with an eyebrow raise.

"Fine, I just bought some weed and the dealer told me to meet him here," Mark confessed.

"That's what I thought," Taehyung said. 

"I know you're not out for a late night walk either," Mark said with curiosity evident in his voice. 

"What I'm doing is none of your business," Taehyung said with a cold glare. 

Suddenly a guy came over and walked up to Mark, ignoring Taehyung completely. 

"Money?" The guy asked. 

Mark nodded and handed him some money. 

The guy counted it quickly and gave Mark a brown paper bag before leaving. 

"Mark, you shouldn't do illegal shit like that," Taehyung said. 

"Neither should you," Mark said with a smirk. "I'll see you later."

Taehyung just watched Mark leave the park, his words wondered in Taehyung's mind. Yeah, he was there for illegal shit, but he didn't think he'd get caught. Taehyung waited for what seemed like forever in the cool night air before he saw anyone come into his vision. 

Eventually, just as Taehyung was about to leave, he saw someone who looked like the person he was going to meet. The person came up to Taehyung and put their hand out. Taehyung assumed that meant they wanted money, so he gave them a relatively thick stack, he had to go through some shit to get all that money and he wasn't particularly proud of himself for it. 

The person counted the money and slid it in their pocket before taking off their backpack and opening it up. They took out a brown paper bag and handed it to Taehyung. Taehyung took it and it was heavier than he thought. 

"You got six shots," The now obvious woman said before zipping her bag and throwing it over her shoulder. 

Taehyung just nodded as he put the bag in his relatively big sweatshirt pocket. The mysterious woman left and Taehyung started to walk quickly home. 

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