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Yoongi looked down hating himself for even thinking for a second he could actually be with someone who he likes. It was always people who liked Yoongi but he never had real feelings for them, it was just fake love. 

"Yoongi wait," a voice said from behind him. 

Yoongi turned around to see Jimin coming up to him. Yoongi didn't know why but his heart stopped. 

"Jimin?" Yoongi asked, not sure if he believed his eyes. 

"What's wrong?" Jimin asked Yoongi, looking a bit concerned about the elder. 

Yoongi was shocked that Jimin even said anything to him. 

"Nothing, why?" Yoongi asked. 

"Something is obviously wrong, you didn't even say anything to me," Jimin said rather sadly. 

Yoongi just looked at Jimin with confusion. 

"Shouldn't you be glad I thought you didn't like me," Yoongi said to him with a small tilt of his head. 

"I never said I didn't like you," Jimin said looking down. 

Yoongi was on the verge of smiling from Jimin's words, maybe Jimin was falling for Yoongi, maybe they could actually be together, maybe-

"Jimin, I haven't seen you in a while," a voice said. 

Jimin's face flushed with fear as he quickly got closer to Yoongi, seeing Taemin's smiling face. 

"Taemin, leave him alone," Yoongi said to the man. 

"I just wanted to ask Jimin how he was doing," Taemin said simply. 

"He's fine now leave," Yoongi said getting a bit angry. 

"I wasn't asking you was I?" Taemin asked Yoongi with irritation. "Jimin are you okay."

"I'm fine," Jimin said softly, avoiding eye contact with Taemin. 

Yoongi picked up that Jimin was obviously scared of Taemin, but he also picked up that Taemin had done something to him, just by the way Jimin was practically hiding behind the elder. 

"Taemin, I want to talk to you later," Yoongi said to him.

Taemin was thrown off a little but nodded simply. 

"Meet me in the rec room just before lights out," Yoongi said. "Let's go Jimin."

Yoongi grabbed Jimin's small hand and lead him back into the kitchen, knowing Jin would beat him if he took the boy back to Yoongi's cell. 

"Jimin, what did Taemin do to you?" Yoongi whispered to Jimin. 

Jimin just let out a small sigh as he squeezed Yoongi's hand. 

"He just touched me in places I didn't want him to touch," Jimin said sadly. 

Yoongi scoffed in irritation, wanting to beat the hell out of Taemin. 

"I'll take care of him for you okay?" Yoongi said to Jimin as they returned back to Jin. 

"What will you do?" Jimin asked as Yoongi let go of his hand. 

"Don't worry about it okay," Yoongi said with a small smirk as he rustled the younger's hair before leaving the kitchen. 

Jin looked at Jimin with shock, his mouth wide open. 

"Jimin, you were holding his hand, what happened?" Jin asked. 

"I think," jimin paused for a second as he looked Jin in his surprised eyes. "I fell for him."


It was just before lights out and most everyone was in their cells or taking showers, while Yoongi waited for Taemin in the recreational room, looking out the barred window. 

"So, what do you want to talk about?" Taemin asked as he came into the room. 

Yoongi turned to face Taemin and was already disgusted with him. 

"Look, I just need you to leave Jimin alone, he doesn't like you and you can't force him to like you," Yoongi told him. 

"But are you not forcing him to like you?" Taemin questioned. 

"I was trying to convince him, there's a difference," Yoongi said, his hand balling into a fist. 

"I don't see a difference," Taemin said with a devious smirk. 

"The difference is that I was willing to back off of Jimin because I could tell I didn't make him happy," Yoongi told him. "You on the other hand only care about yourself."

"You think I'm going to just give up that easily, I could make Jimin happy he just doesn't see it," Taemin said. 

"No, you think I don't know what you did but I do," Yoongi told him. "You beat and raped your girlfriend and told her if she told anyone you'd kill her, what the fuck dude."

"She was lying," Taemin said with anger. 

"All the evidence pointed to you," Yoongi told him. "And you sexually harassed multiple people, I'm not letting you get your hands on Jimin."

"The only way I'll let go of Jimin is if I find someone else to call my own, until then I'm not backing off," Taemin said about to leave. 

"Wait," Yoongi said. "What if I told you I could help you."

"Are you a switch?" Taemin asked. 

"No you idiot, I know a lot of people in this place, there must be someone who is willing," Yoongi said as he thought about it. 

"I don't think I want anyone else, Jimin is so perfect," Taemin said simply. 

"If you don't back off I will ruin your life in here," Yoongi told him. 

"Find me someone in the next three days and I will back off," Taemin told him. "If not, I'm going to fuck Jimin."

Yoongi glared at Taemin before he walked out of the room. 

Yoongi was going to make sure Taemin wouldn't fuck Jimin, 


"Jimin, are you okay? I heard what happened, I'll make sure that bastard doesn't touch you again," Hoseok said as he saw Jimin in their cell, along with Taehyung and Jungkook who were making out on the bed. 

"I'm fine," Jimin said with a small smile. "A little scared but Yoongi said he'd take care of it."

"Yoongi said he would?" Hoseok asked. 

"Yeah, I mean he seemed sincere about it," Jimin said. 

Jungkook and Taehyung both let go of each other and looked at Jimin with a bit of concern. 

"Don't trust him Jimin, never let your guard down, okay?" Taehyung told him. 

"Okay," Jimin said softly. 

"Tae, you got me hard you jerk," Jungkook said with a sigh. 

"You get turned on too easily sweetie," Hoseok said with a small laugh. 

"Taehyung help me," Jungkook whinned with a small pout.

"But Jimin," Taehyung said, jerking his head toward the small boy.

"I'll just turn the other way," Jimin said as he laid on his bed facing the wall. He couldn't help but wish he could do stuff like that with Yoongi, and he hated himself for it. 

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