Chasing Cars(Harry Styles love story)

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Hi! So, this isn't my first fanfic, but it's my first on Wattpad!.I've already written a Niall and a Liam one, so I decided I would try a Harry one. I hope you guys like it!<3

I pulled off my sunglasses as I entered the London coffee shop, instantly blinded. There was a crowd of people with cameras swarming everywhere. I tried to make my way through to my usual booth, where my best friend Anna was waiting with our drinks. They practically took up the entire space, though. I sighed- some celebrity must be here. It wasn't uncommon. At least once a month, there was someone famous ordering at my favorite local hangout, as there was a recording studio a few blocks down. But, there was never this much commotion. I started to feel extremely claustrophobic- i've never been good in crowds. I desperately pushed through the throngs of people snapping pictures of whoever was ordering. I couldn't see through the lights. This was an absolute nightmare. I thought I was almost out safely when I ran into someone. Next thing I knew, there was hot coffee all over me. Great.

"I'm so sorry," a husky british accent says.

"It's fine," I reply, "you were probably caught in this ridiculous mob too. Do you have any idea who's here thats famous enough to attract this much attention?"

"Uh, me, I'd assume," the voice says. I look up to see that I'm face to face with Harry Styles. The Harry Styles. I tried to keep my cool. I wasn't a huge fan of One Direction, but I liked their music and thought they were funny and cute. And as I looked into his stunning blue-green eyes, though, I discovered that he was even more gorgeous in person.

"Oh. Well, uh, sorry you have to deal with this. It must suck," I say, trying to act like I ran into celebrities everyday. Apparently, I was pretty convincing, because he smiled and said, "It does. But I guess sometimes good things come out of it. Without this, I wouldn't have run into such a beautiful girl." No. Way. Did he just call me beautiful? I was just average. My thick brown hair reached my mid chest, and my eyes were just brown. I called them my mud puddles. I hardly ever wore makeup, since I'm ridiculously artistically challenged. I liked my style, I guess, but it was nothing special. Right now, I was wearing a plain white, flowy top with a pair of jeans. No boy had ever called me pretty before, except my first and only boyfriend, Chad, who I had dated two years ago. He cheated on me, which didn't exactly help my already low self esteem. Now that I was 18 and attending a University, I had hoped that my pathetic love life would take a turn for the better.

"Uh, thanks," I say awkwardly. He smiles and says, "I'm Harry."

"Oh, I know. I'm Stella," I tell him.

"I love that name," he says instantly with a grin. He puts his hand out for me to shake. I was about to touch Harry Styles hand. Woah. I shake it, and feel him slip something into mine. I don't look at it, and instead shove it into my pocket.

"Harry, Lets go!" I hear a voice call. He rolls his eyes.

"I guess I have to leave. Hopefully, I'll see you soon," he says, squeezing my hand quickly before walking off, the cameras following him. The coffee shop was quiet again, and I spotted Anna in our booth, oblivious to what had just happened, her headphones in as always. I walked into the bathroom to pull myself together- it had taken everything out of me not to fangirl. I pulled the paper out of my pocket and unfolded it. It read: I'm so sorry about the coffee I spilled on you! Let me make it up to you somehow- text me or call me. I can't wait. Here's my number:  *number* xx ~harry

No way. Did I read that correctly? I reread the note over and over again, unable to believe it. When did he even have time to write that? I guess when I was spacing out in shock...but still! I had Harry Styles number. He called me beautiful. Maybe, just maybe, this could be the start of something wonderful. Don't get your hopes up, he's probably just being polite, I told myself, but it was too late. I already had.

Sorry it was short! It was more of an introduction! I hope you liked it(:


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