Chapter 12

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A/N: Hey! So I'm chilling on vacation and had a little time to write, and was in the mood to write, so here I am! It's gonna be short, but better than nothing right? Oh, you should follow me on Twitter and/or Instagram, @thatdorklauren for both! Tweet me sometimee, cause I like talking to people ahaha(: Kay, so here I go! Hope you likee<3

Stella's POV

Harry and I rushed through the airport, trying to make our flight on time. I guess it was my fault- I AM a girl, and I feel the need to pack for every possible temperature, weather, occasion, and mood I could be in, just in case.

"Last call for flight 164 to New York," a woman says through the loudspeaker. Harry moans in frustration as he pulls me through to the desk for flight 164 to New York.

"We're going to New York?!" I squeal happily, finally discovering why I needed my passport. Harry nodded quickly and kept moving speedily so we could get on our plane.


When we were finally up in the air, he breathed a sigh of relief. I smile at him and kiss his lips lightly.

"So New York, huh?" I ask him.

"Just for a layover," he replies smoothly. My face drops slightly- I really do love New York and haven't been since I was 7 years old. But I quickly cover it up before he can notice.

"Okay then..." I say, "So what's been going on with you in the past week?"

"Interviews, recording...more interviews and recording. I was so busy. I wish I could have called more, but I honestly didn't have time. I've missed the sound of your voice," he says sweetly.

"I totally understand. And let me tell you, I have missed your voice so much," I tell him, "Well, really everything about you," I add, softer, my cheeks flushing. He grins, his dimples showing, and kisses me.

"You're perfect," he tells me, and I laugh.

"Whats so funny?" he asks, his brows furrowed.

"Harry, I'm FAR from perfect. I have awful people skills, I can't do anything right, and, well, look at me. I'm not exactly a model. You're the perfect one in this relationship!" I exclaim, "I still don't understand  why you chose me," I say quietly, looking down. It was a question I've always asked myself. He could do so much better than me. He shook his head furiously at me.

"Stella, you've got to be kidding me. I can't believe you don't see it. You're hilarious, sweet, caring, you have a wonderful heart, you're a great listener, you're smart, talented, and you're absolutely beautiful.  I feel so comfortable with you, and I can tell you anything. I love to be around you, it doesn't matter what we're doing. You make me feel complete. Why did I choose you? Because you're the best it gets," he tells me before crashing his lips to mine. I kiss him back, so happy that I had found him. When we finally pulled away, he says, "And I am not perfect."

"Oh, please, Harry. You have to be joking. You're the sweetest, most down to earth, funny, caring guy I've ever met. You have the voice of an angel, you're probably like the best looking person out there, and I can talk to you for hours without getting bored. You make me feel so...amazing, I didn't even know feelings like this existed until I met you," I tell him, trying to keep a speech that could take hours as short as possible. He smiles at me and pulls me towards him, so his arms were wrapped around my body and my head was leaning on his shoulder.

"I love you," he tells me. I guess I was a little shocked, as we've never said it before, but without missing a beat, I said, "I love you too." And I meant it. I have never been so sure of anything in my life. I tilt my head up to meet his lips, my heart racing, butterflies flying through my stomach, I really can't get enough of his kisses. When we pull away, he says, "You should get some sleep," and I realize how tired I really am. I nod and rest my head on his shoulder once more.

"See you in New York," I tell him before falling into a peaceful sleep. Before I lose conciousness, I feel his lips on my forehead and hear him whisper, "I really, really do."

ewnojfhoiashfpi Okay, so this was my absolute favorite chapter to write ever. I hope you guys like it, even though it was probably the shortest thing in the history of the world.

Pretty pleasee,,

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