Chapter 13

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A/N: Hi guys! Okay so yesterday when I updated, I was rushing and forgot a couple things! First, I said that I'd dedicate a chapter to whoever made me a cover...and I forgot. So I'm dedicating this one! Second, I forgot to promote my story with @Ally_Styles1D, I Should Have Kissed You. So I'm gonna promote it twice in this update. So here's the link: Check it out!

Neext, I have news. I want to finish this story before Labor Day, because I know I'll be busy once school starts. I'm not gonna post like tons of chapters everyday, I'll write it all and save it, and post the chapters a few times a week. Then when it's done...maybe there'll be a sequel? I don't's up to you guys. I'll get to that stuff in the last chapter. But this deffinately isn't my last story on Wattpad...I love to write too much. I'm thinking a Niall one next. But what am I doing? I'm getting WAY ahead of myself. Right now, I'm gonna focus on this story. I'm really excited, because I finally know where this is going! If you didn't know already, each chapter, I don't have a plan, I just kind of write. But I actually have one now! Yay! Okay, well I'm gonna write noww, this was too long. Enjoy!(:

Stella's POV

I woke up to someone shaking me lightly, opening my eyes slowly to see Harry smiling down at me.

"We're landing," he tells me excitedly.

"How long was I asleep?" I ask him grogilly.

"About 7 hours," he replies. Weird, I can never fall asleep on planes, and I had just gotten a normal night's sleep. I tried to think of what was so different about this time, and then it hit me. I was sleeping on Harry's shoulder. Once I made this realization, I smiled.

"Are you still tired?" he asks me, and I shake my head.

"I'm actually perfect," I tell him honestly. I feel the plane bouncing below me and I can tell that we're landing.

"Perfect," he says cheesily, making me giggle.  I listen to the flight attendents give their speeches about landing and getting off the plane, and wonder about what the day had in store. Where would we be going after this? I really was not looking forward to ANOTHER flight. When we could finally leave the plane, Harry and I grabbed our carry-ons and got off.

"So, where to next?" I ask him, looking around the big airport. I've always loved airports, and thought it was so cool how a whole world existed inside of them. Harry grins at me.

"The city. We're here!"


As we entered the cab, I hugged Harry for about the hundreth time since he told me we were staying in New York. It's seriously my favorite place on the face of the earth. He laughed at me, and after whispering our destination to the driver, said, "You really love it here, don't you?"

"That's a complete understatement," I reply, "Thank you so much!"

His face lights up, happy that I was happy. I'm so lucky to have him. We talk for a while, about lots of different things. Suddenly, last night came back to me, and I wanted to talk about it. What if he didn't mean it?

"Harry, can we talk about last night?" I ask him. His eyebrows furrow as he asks, "What about last night?"

"Well, um, when you said you love me?"

Harry's POV

Great. She doesn't feel the same way. She was probably just tired and caught up in the moment. My face drops and I nod, signaling for her to continue.

"Well, I just was wondering if you meant it? Or if you were just in the moment? Because, if you don't, then I feel like a real idiot, because I really did mean it," she tells me, straightforward. I smile in relief.

"No, I completely meant it, 100%. I really do love you," I tell her honestly. A big grin spreads across her face.

"Good, because now that I know you do, all I want to do is say it to you, so maybe you'll get a glimpse of how much I love you," she tells me, looking into my eyes. I pull her into my embrace and hold her. I love the feeling of her in my arms. It feels so natural, like we were made to be together.

"Well, if its anything near how much I love you, you're going to have to start saying it now so you can try to fit it all into a lifetime," I whisper in her ear, making her shiver a little bit. She moves her head from my shoulder and looks straight into my eyes.

"I guess I better start then. I love you, I love you, I love you, I lo-"

"Oh my God, I think I would have kicked you out if we hadn't just arrived at your destination," the driver says, faking a gag at us. I rolled my eyes at him. People are so rude sometimes. I pay him quickly and Stella and I get out of the car. I smile. Finally she'll find out the real reason we're here.

Stella's POV

"Why'd we get off here?" I ask him, wondering why we weren't at Times Square or something. Maybe the hotel was near here, and he wanted to drop our stuff off before we started to do things?

His eyes sparkle as he says, "Because it's about time for me to get working on that promise I made you when we first met. I got you an audition for The Phantom of the Opera, on Broadway."

"What?!" I exclaim with a million emotions, a few being, excitement, terror, and, well, love. I couldn't help it- it was so sweet that he was doing this for me. He knew it was my dream to be on Broadway, and that Phantom was one of my favorite shows.

"You're auditioning for Phantom of the Opera! Now, come on, we can't be late!" he exclaims, excitedly pulling me towards the theater that I just realized was down the street. I stop him though, pulling him towards me and kissing him. I put all of the feelings I was having into it, and I think it was just about the most passionate kiss we had ever shared. I really didn't ever want to pull away, but sadly I knew we had to get moving. I remove my lips from his, both of us panting as we pulled apart.

"Thank you," I tell him before throwing myself into his arms. I couldn't believe he was doing this for me. He leans down and to my ear and whispers, "You deserve it. I love you."

Sorry it was short's midnight. I'm tired. Kay so I picked Phantom because...well...I love it(: AND IT'S ON BROADWAY IN 2012! Yay! I probably would have made it, though, even if it wasn't. Okay, well I hope you liked it! I'm gonna go pass out.

Read my story with @Ally_Styles1D, I Should Have Kissed You. Here's the link: Check it out!

And purdy pleasee,,

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Love you all!(:

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