Chapter 6

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A/N: Okay, so I read the last chapter and I absolutely hate it. I just wanted to update, and I had like 15 minutes. I guess that's what you get from rushed writing! Sorry. Don't hate me for it! I'm gonna take my time on this one, so hopefully it'll be better. I hope you like it(:

Stella's POV

I was sitting in the car crying as Anna drove me home. I felt so pathetic. I hadn't even known Harry a full day yet, and suddenly I was crying over him? It was so unlike me to just fall like that. What was so different about him?

"Don't worry about it, he's a jerk," Anna says, squeezing my hand.

"He even told me he liked me though," I whimper.

"Guys are awful. They play with girls feelings like they're toys," she replies sadly.

"He probably just felt bad for me," I say, and burst into another round of tears. Great. I bet he did, though. A little fan who he spilled coffee on and then had a stupid dream? Of course he would lead me on. He was just trying to be nice, I guess.

"No, don't cry! Uhm, happy thoughts! Like, like, pandas! Yeah, come on, think of pandas!" Anna says in panic. She hates when I'm sad. And any form of conflict. I giggled softly to myself at her. A look of triumph came over her face.

"There's my girl," she warmly says. I stare out the window and watch the surroundings pass by. My phone buzzed yet again- Harry asking about our dinner tonight and why I hadn't replied to his countless texts. It had been going off since the interview had ended. I wasn't going to be his little charity case anymore. I replied:

I saw the interview.

I hit send, turned off my phone, and shut my eyes, trying to block out everything. I hear Anna's phone go off and listen to the tapping of her replying to a message. She kept getting texts and replying.

"You're gonna get us killed," I mumble. She laughs, and I assume she shook her head.

"We're home," she says too soon, "Now go shower and get ready!"

"For what?" I ask in confusion.

"We're gonna have a girls night to get your mind off of things!" she tells me excitedly.

"Is that the best idea? I just want to like, lay down and eat and watch sad movies and mope," I tell her honestly.

"THAT is the exaxt thing we want to avoid. We're going out tonight," she says.

"Fine. But I'm not gonna like it," I give in.

"I'll take it!" she exclaims and pulls me out of the car. She drags me all the way up to my bathroom, turns on the shower, and leaves to get ready for herself. I check the time. 3:45. Why was I getting ready now? We wouldn't be going out until at least 7:00.

"Are you in the shower yet?" Anna calls out to me.

"No..."I reply slowly. I hear her footsteps  getting closer and closer, and before I know it, shes in the bathroom.

"I WILL put you in there myself," she threatens. I roll my eyes and motion for her to turn around. Once she has, I quickly take off my clothes and hop in the hot shower.

"Happy?" I ask.

"Yes!" she exclaims and walks out of the room. I sighed. Oh Anna.

Anna's POV

I read through my texts with Harry from the car ride, still in awe, as Stella gets ready.

Harry: Hey, it's Harry. I need to talk to Stella

Me: How did you get my number?! And she doesn't want to talk to you. Besides, theres 'Nothing going on' between you two. Why would you lead her on like that?

Harry: I sort of put it in my phone last night when it was open on her phone...I figured it would be good to have. Not to be creepy. But I can explain! I led her on because I like her! I really really do.

Me: That is actually super creepy and I reccomend you dont do that anymore. If you like her so much, why would you say that?

Harry: Because I don't want fans going crazy attacking her and hating her and making her life miserable! I don't want that to happen to her. Because I like her. And I can prove it to her, too, if I could just meet her for dinner. Please, help me out.

Me: ...When should I have her ready?

Harry: I'll be there at 5:00. Thank you so much for this

So he really does like her. I guess I sort of knew it all along. I hate lying to Stella...but she'll thank me in the future. It'll make a great story to tell their little Styles babies. I giggle to myself.

"What's so funny?" Stella asks, fully dressed. She's wearing the ourfit I had picked out for her. Not to toot my own horn, but I'm amazing when it comes to these things. She was wearing a pair of light wash jeans with a few rips, an oversized cream sweater that just complimented her skin tone perfectly, chestnut flats, and a long neakless. It looked perfect on her. I don't think she realizes how gorgeous she is. No, I know she doesn't realize it. And I don't get it.

"Stella, you look perfect," I gush. Her cheeks redden a little.

"Thanks. Why am I ready so early? It's only 5:00..." Suddenly, there's a knock at the door. I smile to myself.

"You'll see," I say, motioning to the door. She gives me a confused look before walking to the door and opening it slowly.


Harry's POV

Somehow. I've managed to mess things up by trying to do a good thing. I should have known she would be watching and would get upset. Anyone with feelings would! I should have warned her. There's so many things I should have done to avoid this. I'm such an idiot. I need to make it up to her tonight, to show her that my feelings were true. I have it all planned out. I hope it goes well, and she understands and forgives me. I was so caught up in my thoughts that I didn't realize I had already walked to her door. This is it. I took a deep breath before knocking. She opens it and I'm now looking at her. She's absolutely beautiful. She looks up at me in confusion.


I hope this was better! I'll post the next part as soon as I have time(:





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