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Jennie Gabe

Argh! I've been waiting forever yet there's still not here. And to think they're excited to see me after 15 years...

I carried my baggage and suitcases and walked to where I could sit outside the airport while I wait someone to fetch for me.

I just arrived in California from Ontario. I lived in California all my life with my father. Now that he died, my terrible mother's getting me. I'm just getting pick up in an airport because I had a photo shoot in Canada that lasted a week.

Realizing they won't be here any minute, I picked my phone from my pocket and received a text from my manager.

When I heard a car honk, I looked up from my phone and saw, exiting the car is my mother's loyal best friend, Roger.

"Jennie Gabe!" He called my name.

I stood up and hugged him. He pulled away then carried my suitcases and put them inside his car's trunk.

"Sick car you have here." I gave him a compliment while I sit on the back seat and reply a message to my manager. "I bet Evelyn's swimming into a pool of money while me and dad are as poor as rats."

"This car isn't mine, Jen." He said that made me looked up to him. "Its your mom's boyfriend." He added that made me scoffed and threw back my attention to my phone.

"Evelyn has a boyfriend."

"Jen, don't call your mom by her first name..." He warned me while we started to hit off the road but I just rolled my eyes and continue to text some friends. "And if I can tolerate you being a b*tch, she and Zayn might not. So please be gentle with them..."

I looked at him with furrowed eyebrows through the rear view mirror. "Zayn? What a weird name!" I scoffed.

"Like I said. Be nice please..." He said that made me heaved a sigh and put my phone back to my pocket.


We arrived to a very mansion-like house that every prostitute would get if their sugar daddy is loaded. Which is definitely my mom right now...

Roger parked the car and we got off the car. Some men were helping him carry my things while I went straight to the very detail double doors.

Someone from the inside opened the door. I entered and saw that it was a maid, who is clearly my age, who opened the door.

"Hi, Jennie! OMG! I'm such an avid fan! I LOVE your works!" The maid almost screamed that made me smile.

"Aww, thank you. What's your name?" I asked her.

"It's ---" she was interrupted when we heard a squeal and based from my knowledge, that familiar squeal is from my mom's.

I looked to the direction where I heard the squeal and saw my mom walking down the stairs towards me.

She went to me and hugged - no - squeezed me while I awkwardly wrapped my arms around her. When she pulled away, I fake a smile to her.

"Jennie, you look beautiful! You look gorgeous! Ahh, you just look so stunning!" She screamed.

Even though I wanted to roll my eyes, I just fake a smile once again to her. But that change when a man - no - a boy who is CLEARLY my age walked and stood beside my mom.

"Hi, Jennie. I'm Zayn." He extended his hand to me but I just ignored it and looked back at the maid.

"Where's my room?" I asked the maid and I can't help but notice my mother's eyes looked down.

The maid pointed to the second floor so I left the couple and walked upstairs while the maid followed me. She opened the pink door and let me entered inside.

As I enter the room, the room just literally took my breath away. Pink walls, a king-sized bed with pink sheets and cute stuffed toys placed on it, pink picture frames with my pictures from my previous photo shoots and the rest are all just stuffs that is colored pink.

I saw a door on the right and when I opened it, it was the bathroom full with pink tiles, bathtub and some toiletries. I went to another door on the left and opened it and saw it was a walk-in closet with not so many clothes... Yet. I need this! For a model, I really have MANY clothes.

I sat on my bed as I continue to admire the room. Wow, this room is the size of our whole house before. When I remember the maid, I called her.

"Hey, I didn't get your name." I said.

"My name's Kim." She said and I nodded.

"Kim. Let's be best friends. Assuming you're the only one I can talk to in this house." I said that made her giggled.

"Yes. I might be the only one you can talk to." She said that made me smiled.

Then, Roger and his men entered my room and placed my things on the floor carefully. Roger made everyone exit the room then locked the door.

"I told you not to be a b*tch, Jennie." He started that made me sighed.

"I can't help it! As soon as I saw her boyfriend, all of the hatred I TRIED to hide just bursted out!" I said while I remove my heels.

"You could've made it after dinner." He said. "Anyway, dinner's ready." He said while opening the door.

"I'm not hungry. I'll just sleep. Jetlag." I said while I lay on the bed.

"Fine. But tomorrow, please. I'm begging you. Be nice to them." I closed my eyes while he talks.

"I'll try."

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