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Jennie Gabe

"Why did you invite me at the first place?" Kim asked as soon as we arrived at the nearest mall.

I sighed before answering her question. "It's a party where Evelyn, Zayn and some people I don't even know will be there. Tell me, who will I talk to?"

"Don't you like to talk to some guys?" 

"And be on tomorrow's headline? I don't think so."

"Now tell me what store should we go into first?" I asked excitedly since we're going to shop for tonight's party.

I know I have A LOT of clothes in my walk-in closet but it's for Kim. And I wouldn't mind buying myself too. Besides, shopping relieves my stress. 

"Jennie, I don't have any money. I am just a maid." She said.

"Hey, this is all on me and forget everything that my mother said." I said that made her smiled.

"Thanks, Jennie. I really thought you were just a b*tch, no offense." She said that made me chuckled.

"Well, everybody does so none taken." I said then smiled at her. 

"Ohh! How about Chanel? I mean people would freak out if they saw a Chanel model buying clothes in a Gucci store." She said.

"You're right. Let's go to Chanel!" I said then she pulled me to the Chanel store. While shopping for clothes, some fans recognize me and took some pictures with me.

When we got our desired clothes, I paid for it and went back to the house of Evelyn's boyfriend.


"WHERE WERE YOU?!" Zayn shouted the second we got inside the house.

"Shopping." I simply answered. Kim took the rest of the bags that I carried and brought them to my room while I handle my father-wannabe's speech.

"Shopping? Or wasting money buying clothes you've already have a massive amount of?!" He asked angrily.

"More like relieving stress [that you and Evelyn caused me] by spending my money that I've worked for and being a friend to the person your girlfriend just downgraded a few hours ago." 

"I was calling and texting you non-stop!" He said while stepping closer to me.

I picked up my phone from my shoulder bag and saw that I did got plenty of texts and missed calls from him. "Was that you? Sorry, I don't answer unregistered numbers in my phone." I said and fake a smile to him.

He clenched his jaw then grabbed my phone from me.

"HEY!" I shouted while I tried to get my phone back from him. 

He blocked me using his arm while he type something to my phone. When he's done, he gave it to me & I checked on what he typed.

I saw in my contacts the name 'Daddy'. Seriously?! I put my phone back to my pocket and gave him a death glare.

"I guess you'll answer my calls and texts now, babe." He asked while he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"You're a pervert, you know that?"

I asked him but he just hummed at me. He glanced at my lips and lick his lips then made eye contact with me.

"I saw what you and your assistant doing under the table this morning." I started a conversation.

"Is that the reason why you left so fast? 'Cause you're jealous?" He asked then played with my hair.

"I-I'm not jealous."

Why did I stutter? Now, he's smirking and leaning closer to my ear.

"You're a terrible liar, Jen." He whispered to me. 

"JEN!" I heard Kim called for me that made me pulled away from Zayn's grip and ran upstairs.

I opened the door of my room and saw her exit my walk-in closet.

"I already put your new clothes in your closet if you don't mind."

"Not at all, thank you." I said then closed the door behind me. "Now, you take a shower and I'll take a shower too then let's do our hair and make-up." I said while popping the 'p' of the last word. She nodded, carried the bags containing her clothes and exited my room. 


"JENNIE!" the bartender greeted me and I salute at him as a greeting.

"The usual, please but make it two." I said then pointed at Kim.

"Right away." he said then walked away to make our drinks.

"You're well-known here, aren't you?" She asked that made me chuckled.

"Yeah, I am." I answered. "I kinda perform here sometimes."

I added that made her surprised. "No way! Like what? Sing or dance?" She asked.

"Sometimes sing, sometimes dance and sometimes both. It's only for a part-time when I don't have any projects." I answered that made her nodded.

"Is there anything you can't do?" She asked that made me chuckled.

"Here you go, ladies." the bartender said while handing two gins with limes.

I thanked him then he walked away to serve other customers. I was about to drink my gin when she gasped and held my forearm.

"No f*cking way." She mumbled.

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