special chapter: 🍭

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Jennie Gabe

"Aaahhh!" Zayn sticks his tongue out while looking at himself through the face mirror.

I giggled and sat beside him on the couch.

"What are you doing?" I asked him.

"Seeing if my tongue is blue." He answered me as he looked back at the face mirror and sticks his tongue out again.

"It is, isn't it?" He asked me.

"Yeah." I answered. "Why?"

"I ate the blue raspberry lollipop Thomas gave me earlier." He answered me that made me smiled and fully turned my body to face him.

"Were they good?" I asked as I played with his stubble.

"You tell me." I raised an eyebrow, confused, before Zayn quickly leans in and kisses me.

When I was about to go deeper with the kiss, he pulled away.

"Good?" He asked me with a smirk on his lips.

"I can't tell. I might need one more taste." I teased that made him chuckled.

"Me Jennie being greedy..." He teased me that made me pouted. "C'mere." He growls, pulling me onto his lap with no difficulty.

He kissed my jawline while laying the face mirror on the center table, making me gasp a little but groaned to cover it up.

"Your intimacy is rather annoying." I said, trying to push him a little off me.

"Oh, is it? How would I know you're not really enjoying my intimacy?" He asked as he kiss me around my lips.

"I'm not." I said but my voice quivers as Zayn's plump lips teases me.

"You don't want me to kiss you?" He asked in his velvety smooth voice.

"No." I tried to answered sternly.

It was taking me everything to not grab him and kiss him. His stubble gently brushed against my face and his large arms encased me. His bony long hands went up to my thighs.

"Well, aren't you beautiful?" He said in his deep voice.

It was 5 a.m. and the sun is coming up. I didn't really sleep all night, just enjoyed my time with my three superheroes. Eddie woke up from his 3-year coma and the other two couldn't be any more happier.

I had the curtains drawn but the sunlight made it through some gaps, making Zayn's eyes look beautiful and his skin was almost golden.


The sun was burning my back but the burning sensation from Zayn's hands tracing circles on it was bring me much more heat.

"The blue raspberry flavor will run out any time now..." He said in a tease yet seducing voice.

That is it!

I bent down to kiss him. His lips were soft and sugary sweet, they were so tender and they radiated passion. He slid his hands around my waist and brushed his nose along my face then laughed.

"So much for ruining the moment, Zayn." I groaned in annoyance.

"I was laughing at how bad you are at resistance..." He laughed.

I playfully punched him to hide the blush forming on my cheeks, knowing what he said is true.

"You're so cute, you make me me so h---" I cut him off.

"Save it, Malik. I know you're horny." I said, cocking an eyebrow.

"M'gonna say 'happy' but yeah, I guess that works too."

He shrugged then smirked at me. Hints of lust slowly growing in his eyes.

"Works both ways." He said and swept me off my feet and carried me to my bedroom.

***** A/N: I used two imagines combined to write this chapter. 😁😂😂 *****

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