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Zayn Malik


Evelyn? She's here already. F*ck, I was about to say to Jennie that I... I love her.

"Is everything okay?" Evelyn asked while she walk to Jennie.

She hugged Jennie and she hugged her back. They pulled away and Evelyn came up to me. But I never left my eyes off of Jennie. Evelyn kissed me on my lips that made my attention go to her.

"I -uhm--- need to sleep. Night, mom." Jennie said as she kissed her mom's cheek and walked away.

She threw me one last glance before walking upstairs.

"Is everything okay between you two?" Evelyn asked me.

"Uhh, yeah. S'just a little misunderstanding..." I lied but fortunately, she nodded.

"I missed you..." She said.

"I missed you too." I once again lied.

I'm lying in front of the mother of my one true love that I've hurt the most... I'm a f*cking d*ck.

"Why don't we sleep? I'm sure you have jetlag." I told her.

"Yeah, sure."

"Welcome back, love." I greeted her with a weak smile.

She smiled back at me and kissed my lips once again.

"Thanks, Zayn. For taking care of Jennie..."

More like 'breaking the heart of Jennie'...


It's been a week and Jennie hasn't come back to home. She's been having sleepovers with her friends. She told Evelyn that was long planned but I know she's just avoiding me. I just miss her. I miss us.

"Zayn?" Evelyn called me that made me snapped from my thoughts.

"You okay?" She asked me.

"Yeah." I answered and she just nodded.

"I miss Jennie." She mumbled that made me looked at her.

"I'm pretty sure she misses you too." I assured her to cheer her up.

"Could you do me a favor, Zayn?" She asked me that made me held her hand.


"Please talk to Jennie."

She said that made me let go of her hand and avoid her eyes.

"Come on, it's not like I'm wishing to be younger again." She joked that made me chuckled.

She held my hand and grabbed my chin to face her.

"I know the situation between you and Jennie." She said that made my eyes wide.


"Kim told me when I apologized to her."


"She told me that you and Jennie argue often." She added that made me sigh internally.

"What are you guys even arguing about?" She asked.

"I --- You know, she's a bit of a b*tch sometimes, yeah?" I asked her that made her smiled weakly to me. "And, I think she doesn't really approve to the whole fake relationship in front of the public thing..." I explained.

She heaved a sigh then let go of my hand and my chin.

She faced to the opposite direction and I can tell she really wants me to talk to Jennie. I sighed and grabbed her chin to face me.

"I'll talk to her. For you, for me and for her s'well." I told her that made her smiled widely.

She pressed her lips on mine and then hugged me that made me chucked again. Like mother, like daughter.


"Where's Jennie now?" I asked as the lads sat on their chairs.

"Geez, mate. Let us sit first." Harry said but I just ignored him.

"She's playing bowling with Lisa. They'll be here in a bit, I presume..." Liam said and internally sighed relief knowing she's safe.

I told the lads about my situation between me and Jennie and thankfully, they didn't judge me. Instead, they're helping me by inviting Jennie to a small gathering in a high class restaurant inside of a mall where Jennie is. According to Liam, he took Lisa and Jennie here to an art gallery, I guess and now they're currently playing bowling.

The lads are in a middle of conversation when a lass walked inside causing us to look at her.

"What?" Kim and Rosé asked while Rosé is sitting beside Niall and Kim beside her.

I glanced at Harry and whispered to him.

"Still no talking?"

"I've got my own problem, you've got yours. Stick with it." He whispered sternly and a bit annoyed that made me chuckled.

"Where's Jisoo and the rest?" Louis asked.

"She went to pick up Lisa and Jennie." Rosé answered.

I cleared my throat that caught everyone's attention.

"How's Jennie?" I asked while staring at the two lasses.

They looked at each other and exchange unexplainable looks. "Why are you asking about her? The real girlfriend's back, right? Which means you shouldn't care about her anymore." Rosé sternly told me then fake a smile to me, earning a comforting rub from Niall.

I sighed and decided to explain myself to them. "I was a jerk. And I'm still am. But her mother told me to make amends everything that is keeping us apart. I really need to talk to her."

"To what? To hurt her again and again?" Rosé asked.


"What? To use her body again?" Kim asked, catching my attention.


"Yes, I know. Who doesn't know, to be honest?"

"No one." The rest answered.

"But don't worry. I only told Evelyn that you argued a lot. What I didn't tell her is right after you argue, you end up f*cking on her bed." She told me that made me gulped.

Then started an awkward silence when Rosé broke it. "Lisa!" Rosé shouted that made us turned to the direction she's looking.

I then saw Lisa together with Jisoo who has her arm around Jennie's. I caught Jennie's eyes and saw the surprise in it but she quickly looked away. The smile that was plastered earlier in her most lovingly lips was removed. Lisa sat beside Liam, Jisoo sat beside Louis and the only vacant seat was the one beside me.

Crashing my little piece of hope, Jennie made Kim moved to my left so she can sit on Kim's left.

This is going to be difficult. 

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