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"Heeelllooo guys I'm back again~" She sang and screamed at the same time.

All the guys welcomed her in a group hug while I still stood by the door.

'I have a feeling that this day is going to be a loooong day and I just want to go home already' .
Areum turned around and called out for me a few times. I didn't hear because of the thoughts that were on my mind.

"You're in the way, move" I heard a dark raspy voice behind me.

Slowly I turned and was met by a boy with mint green hair, he looked like he just woke up and he looked mad.

"You know you can just ask nicely instead of being a-" I cut myself off and looked at Areum. I didn't want make her mad at me. So I shut my mouth.

I sight in defeat and moved out of the way, the boy with the mint green hair looked down on me and smirked while going to Areum and the rest of the boys.

I let out a tired sight and made my way to the group. I stopped besides Areum and she first looked at me and then back at the boys.

"This is Lee (Y/N), my best friend that I've been talking about" she introduced me to the boys.

"Hello, my name is Lee (Y/N)" I didn't bother to tell them more about my life, it's not like I'll see them often.

The boys started introducing themselves as well.

"Hello, my name is Jin" he did a flying kiss, I remember Areum told me that he is famous for his flying kisses.

"Hi I'm your hope I'm your angel I'm J-hope!" He flashed a big and bright smile while I only nodded

"Yo I'm Rapmonster" he smiled showing off his dimples.

"Hi my names V" he made a V sign and smiled.

"Hello~ my name is Jimin" he did a little heart sign with his fingers

"Hello my names Jungkook" he smiles widely showing off his bunny smile

"Suga" he just stood there with a blank expression. I had a feeling that me and this guy aren't going to get along well.

We were in their practice room, so there weren't any chairs or so. They all sat down on the floor, me and Areum followed them down.

They were all talking to each other and sometimes I'd say something to here and there.

"Yah, does someone know where my new perfume is? The one I bought last week" Jin asked

"Oh, I found it in the trash can yesterday it was all broken" J-hope answered surprised
"I thought you were the one that threw it" he said while pointing at Jin.

Jin slowly turned around and faced Rapmonster he looked scared, scared as heck to be more exact.

"why does everyone think that I'm the one who destroys everything?" he stated with his hands up in the air, it was like he was protecting his face from Jin.

"You're the only one who destroys everything in this whole building" Jimin said while pointing at Rapmon.

Jin and Rapmon faced each other and in a blink of an eye they were suddenly running around. Or to be more exactly Rapmon was running away from Jin.

"You little piece of shit, come back here chicken" Jin screamed while running after Rapmon around the whole room.

All the others were laughing and having fun looking at the two males being childish, while I just sat there thinking of my warm and comfortable bed.

Aish, when can I go home? They're being so noisy it's to much and it's Sunday please kill me...

I was praying for someone to get me out of here and I think that heaven heard my prayers because I felt my pocket vibrating.

I fished up my phone and saw one of the guys I work with at the hospital.

"Hello" I said through the phone

"We need you back here, we got a surgery in two hours, but the doctor that's going to do the surgery is sick. So we need you" I could hear at the sound of his voice that he was stressed and needed someone to do the surgery.

"Okay I'll be there soon" I said, I could hear a sight of relief from the other line

"Thank you for doing this" he answered.

I ended the call and put my phone back in my pocket. I got up from sitting on the ground.

"I'm sorry but I have to leave, we got an emergency at the hospital they need more surgeons" I bowed and then turned around hugging Areum and then left.

I sighed heavily and made my way to the car. I relaxed and thought back at how this day had been.

'I can't believe that I just waisted two hours with those boys.
I hope that I don't have to met them again.'

I turned on the car and drove to another long night at work.

That's it guys, hope you liked it!

Cold, so what? (Min Yoongi ff) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now