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"Kiss me" he said highly and grinning, I gave him a disgusted face and he pouted cutley.

"NO! why would I kiss you?" I asked while crossing my arms over my chest and he pouted again plus made puppy eyes.

"Don't you like me?" He asked sadly, lowering his head and playing with his fingers.

"It's not that I don't like you It's just...I don't know" I said while cupping his cheeks and bringing his head up so that I could see his beautiful face. I had better acess to see his face, how his eyes shine in the dark and his perfect pink lips curling into a smile. I looked up and saw him smiling becauce of me checking him out. He took my hands in his, lowering them and putting them in his lap. I looked down at our clapsed hands, his hands were so warm, he slowly caressed my hand with his thumb. I wanted to see his eyes again but I wasn't able to because right when I looked up he brought me into a tight hug. I felt comfortable, secure in his arms. I sight while leaning more in to be able to feel him more. I put my head on his chest feeling his heartbeat. It calmed me down somehow, I wanted to stay like that more but he pulled back and started leaning in instead, his eyed focussing on my lips.

My brain was not working at that time and my heart told it was right, this feeling was right. How he alwalys gave me butterflies evrytime I see his beautiful smile. How he alwalys did everything for his friends. His passion for music how he played with his heart and the lyrics alwalys seemed to give me life like I could feel everything he felt at that time. Thinking back all the moments we had alwalys seemed to put a smile on my face.

His face leaning in even more and before putting his lips on mine he stopped.

"I love you" Our lips met in a passionet kiss, his lips fits mine perfectly. My butterflies never went away, my heart going faster. I put my arms around his neck to bring him closer to me, before anything else happened we heard a door open. Both me and Yoongi turned around a saw a sleepy Jimin standing outside his room.

"Can you guys just be a little more quite please, I can't sleep because of you two" he mumbled while turning around and going to his room again.

Me and Yoongi exchange looks before giggling quietly. He laid down on the couch and patted the seat beside him, I layed my head down and stared into his beautiful eyes. We stared at each other for some time before Yoongi close his eyes and started sleeping peacefully. Soon I closed my eyes as well and feel into a deep slumber.


My alarm went off and I was about to turn around when I fell from the couch and hit my head on the ground. I groaned loudly waking Yoongi, Jin and Areum up from their sleep. They stared at me for a sec before bursting out laughing.

"Ha ha, very funny" I said sarcastically, Yoongi brought me up to the couch again and lightly kissed my cheek. I blushed at what he did and he smirked at seeing me so embarrassed.

"I'm sorry that we laughed but it really looked  funny I got admit" Areum was still laughing her ass off and Jin was trying to calm her down.

"Yah! Are you guys coming to eat or what?" Namjoon screamed at us while waving around with the spatula.

"Omg! What have you done now Namjoon? Did you destroy my kitchen!?" Jin screamed while running towards the kitchen. We all looked at him waiting for him to go nuts and yes he did.

It ended up with some smacks on the back of Namjoon's head and screaming about never touching his kitchen ever again. Namjoon tried to look innocent but failed big time as Jin didn't buy it.

"Hahah, did Namjoon end up being smacked again by Jin?" Hoseok asked while going to the couch and sitting down besides Yoongi.

"Yes he did" Yoongi answered while shaking his head.

"Well what did he do this time?" Hoseok asked.

"He went into Jin's kitchen" That was everything Yoongi needed to say for Hoseok to know that Namjoon probably was going to die if that ever happened again.

The rest of the boys came out and we all sat down and started to eat our breakfast. Until I was disturbed by my phone calling from the living room. I groaned and made my way towards the phone. I looked at the Id and it was Youngsik, I answered immediately.

"We got a fucking problem!"

Omg guys I'm sorry I haven't posted any new chapters! I've actually been busy with exams and soon they're over!!
Well I've only god math exams left and plz kill me bc I hate math!
Buuuut the positive thing is that I actually uploaded this chapter! I've been wanting to write this chapter for awhile but haven't found the right time to do so.
Well I got to go and I'll see you in the next chapter!

Cold, so what? (Min Yoongi ff) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now