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"What the actual fuck!" He screamed while I stood there with my arms crossed over my chest

"That's what you get jerk, for not going up the first time I called" I sassed back glaring at him

He screamed and groaned getting up from the floor. He turned towards me and I think I saw the devil himself in his eyes.

He jumped to my side grabbing my wrist and pinning me down on his bed with him howling over me. He held both of my wrist while lowering himself until he only was inches away, not even that.

"Don't ever wake me the fuck up" he growled at me, I raised my eyebrow at him.

"Yoongi are you up yet!" Taehyung screamed as he opened the door. He's jaw feel to the floor when he saw what kind of position me and Yoongi were in right now.

"Ops I'm sorry, I'll leave you guys alone...heheh" he smirked at us and closed the door. Leaving me and Yoongi in there alone, right after he left we could hear him scream that the others shouldn't come in here because of what we were up to.

I pushed Yoongi of me and got up going out the door. When I came out the others were all looking at me.

"We didn't do anything like that!" I screamed at them.

"Mhm" Jimin smirked and soon after Yoongi came out.

"Yoongi tell them that we didn't do anything" I turned around begging him for help.

"Yeah, we didn't...because Taehyung came in" my jaw dropped and I felt my face heat up.

"What the fucking hell do you think you're doing? You jerk!" I screamed at him.


I was sitting in my car driving to work, I was cursing in my mind of what happened 15 minutes ago.

They all think now that there's something between me and Yoongi even Areum.

I arrived at my work and went to my office changing on the way and meeting with some of my colleagues.

I met Youngsik on the way and we decided to go together to our offices, because of how close they were.

We were talking with each other as we got in the elevator, before it closed a hand stopped it. Opening the elevator me and Youngsik looked up and seeing our parents walking in.

They didn't recognize us. They only walked in nodding at us. Me and Youngsik were standing there terrified of them knowing that their kids were standing right behind them.

I couldn't breathe, my hands were shaking so bad that I thought my hand would fall off.
Youngsik could see how bad I was shaking because he took my hand in his giving it a light squeeze.

"Honey do you think they'll recognize us?" Our mom asked as she looked at our father

"I hope so, I mean they are our kids after all" our father answered.

The elevator stopped at our floor my parents got out with us trailing behind them.

They were going in the direction where our offices were. Until they turned and walked the other way. Youngsik dragged me to his office closing the door and locking it, preventing the others from coming in.

"If they come and talk to you, act like you don't know them" I couldn't do anything, I was only nodding at him. He ran his hand through his hair taking deep breaths.

"Be careful" he said before going to the door and unlocking it. I got out and made my way towards my office.


The day went smoothly without my parents talking to me or Youngsik. But I was still scared of them approaching me or Youngsik. I was scared that of what they could do to us.

I was walking to my car when a hand grabbed my shoulder turning me around.
When I did I saw my father standing there looking at me.

"Excuse me are you the one we met in the elevator" he asked his eyes roaming my face.

I remembered Youngsik's words that we should act like we don't know them.

"Yes sir I was one of the people in the elevator" I said to him keeping my cold expression.

"Do you perhaps know someone by the name Lee y/n or Lee Youngsik in this hospital?" He asked as he put his hand away from my shoulder.

"No sir I'm afraid I don't know anyone by those names. I have to leave now" I said as I bowed and turned around walking straight to my car wanting to get away from there as fast as possible.

I drove home with full speed, I didn't care that people were getting mad at me. I just wanted to go home.

When I arrived at my apartment I threw my keys on the table and went to the couch and fell on it.
I thought I'd call Youngsik and tell him what happened.

Hey what's up?

Our father talked to me, he asked if I know someone by the names Lee y/n or Lee Youngsik. I told him that I don't know

Shit...okay just stay calm and don't do anything stupid. Okay?

Yeah okay, bye

I ended the call and fell asleep on the couch.
When I woke up the clock was about 10 pm. I was so damn hungry but to tired to cook anything, so I ended up ordering pizza.

I was waiting for my pizza on the couch. When I heard a knock on the door I flew up from my seat and ran across the whole room to the door. I got to the door and opened it taking my pizza and giving the pizza guy the money.

The freshly made pizza filled my nose and I ran to my seat once again. I took out a slice ready to taste the wonderful pizza, just before I put it in my mouth someone knocked on the door.

"I am literally going to kill the person that dared to disturb me while eating my pizza"

I cursed and groaned in my mind as I got to the door.
Opening it with the devils look, the one standing outside was Yoongi.

"What the hell do you want"

That's all
Hope you enjoy

Cold, so what? (Min Yoongi ff) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now