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"I...have to tell you something" he's voice was shaking and giving be chills. Even through I wasn't sure of what he was going to say but judging by his shake voice it had to be something about our parents.

"Is it about our parents and that they want us to come back and "become" a family again, then later on that we will take over the company?" I asked in a whisper looking down on the floor and not wanting to meet his eyes. I was scared that I had it right.

"Yeah it's about that" he said in a whisper as well. We were only standing there emotionless looking at the floor. Until someone harshly slammed the door open.

"Doctor Lee, we got an emergency!" One of our colleagues doctor Oh screamed. Me and Youngsik exchanged looks before I flew of the chair and started running after doctor Oh with Youngsik running behind me.

"What happened?" I asked while we were running to the emergency room.

"You'll now when we get there" he said not even looking back just running faster this time.

When we arrived at the emergency room I pushed the door open to be met by 4 nurses and 1 doctor trying to hold a young man down on the hospital bed.

"What happened?" Youngsik asked while I ran over to there side trying to help them to hold down the man.

"He's name is Jung Hoon-Gi, he's 19 years old and was shot in the liver" said a nurse that came in the room with a injection that will calm him down a bit. We needed that injection fast but she was way to slow, we were 5 people trying to hold down a 19 year old.

"Pleases hurry!" Doctor Oh screamed at the nurse. She was probably new because she didn't seem confident in what she was doing. Her hands were shaking and she dropped it.

"I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry" she was bowing and apologizing a thousand times. I let go of Jung Hoon-Gi and ran to the nurse taking the injection that she dropped and throw it away.

"Try to hold him down" I told her while taking a new injection. She nodded and ran to where I stood before.

I took the injection and gave it to him fast. It took about 10 minutes before he calmed down and drifted to sleep.

"I'll take care of things here with doctor Oh, you can go back" Youngsik said to me while stroking my head gently. I went out of the room with 2 of the nurses and the newbie.

"Can I talk to you for a sec?" I asked while while griping her arm and turning her around but I didn't grip harshly.

"Oh yes Doctor Lee" She was keeping her gaze down being to afraid to look me in the eyes.

"Can you look me in the eyes?, I don't like talking like this" I asked her, slowly my gaze met hers.

"I'm really sorry for what happened in there, I was so stressed and scare-"

"I know and I'm not mad at you. All I want to say is that you should start easy, not going to the emergency section at the first time. You should take it slow and learn first then you can come here" I told her because I did want to scream at her, because it could have been a disaster. But I didn't want to make a scene.

"Yes I'm sorry" she bowed before leaving, I nodded and turned around walking through the hallway.

My eyes stopped on a woman and when she turned around my heart started beating faster almost exploding in my chest.

It was my mother and she had this smile on her face. The smile she always had before turning into a psychopath.

(Flash back)

"Mommy stop, it hurts!" I said between cries, while she was going deeper with the knife on my thigh.

"You have been a bad girl, what did mommy tell you about not talking to other children in school" she had that psycho smile on her face like she was enjoying what she was doing.

My father stood in a corner with Youngsik in his arms keeping him down and having his hand over his mouth to prevent him from screaming.

"I'm sorry mommy, please stop it hurts!" My cries got louder and soon she started laughing. My vision got blurry and all I remember before passing out was her sinister laughter filling the room.

(End of flashback)

I was so scared I speeded up almost running to my office. I locked the door and went to my chair. I sat down and thought about that horrible time.

I remembered that my father used to be so sweet, kind and caring. Before my mom convinced him to do what he did to us. He became mad because of her. My mom was always crazy ever since I was born. Not only since I was born but since Youngsik was born. Everything was always crazy in our family.

My teachers at school always used to ask me why I had bruises all over my body.
I told them that I was clumsy and always fell down. But the truth was much worse. They even fell for my lie because they thought that it is impossible for a parent to physically and mentally abuse her or his child.

My mother was the reason to my nightmares at night, she was the reason to me having no friends growing up, she was the reason to me being bullied until I went to university

and she was and still is my biggest fear.

That's it guys, now you know the reason to why she hates her parents so much

I wanted to ask you guys about what you think about the story so far
Is it good or bad?
What should I change and should I add something?

I would love if you commented of what's on your mind.

And if you have something personally or want to ask a question, then you can contact me on my instagram.
@ btsarmyyj

See you in the next chapter!

Cold, so what? (Min Yoongi ff) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now