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2 years later

"Yoongi were did my book go" I asked looking through the book shelf.

"Eehh I don't know, have you looked through the book shelf?" He asked from the kitchen.

"Yeah I have and it's not there" I answered, frowning at myself for losing it.

"I didn't even start reading it and I was so eager to" I mumbled to myself as I for the 24th time looked through the bookshelf once again. But with no success I wasn't able to find it.

"Yoongi you sure you didn't take it?" I asked AGAIN, I was really getting irritated now.

"No I really didn't take it, why would I take your book?" He asked looking through the kitchen, I shrugged really didn't know why we would take it from the start.

"Unnie unnie don't be mad at oppa it wasn't he's fault, I took your book. I saw it on the bookshelf and the cover looked cool so I took it. I started reading it and got so into it that I forgot that you maybe would want to read it and I'm so sorry" I chuckled at Soo Eun, she was staring at the floor playing with the book in her hands.

"It's okay sweetie, just tell me before you take anything okay?" I asked here while approaching her, she looked up with glassy eyes before she dried the tears threatening to fall with her sleeve. She smiled widely before nodding.

"By the way Soo Eun I'm really proud that you were able to read such a difficult book" I said clearly amazed at how smart she is, she grinned at me happily.

"Are you really proud off me unnie?" She asked I nodded before she ran away with the book to continue reading it.

Ever since two years ago everything changed, well for the better. Jin and Areum got married and are waiting for their first child. I got so much closer to the rest off bts and know they all really meant a lot to me, I couldn't possibly imagen a life without them. Little Soo Eun has just turned 8 and she was able to fight her cancer. She was finally cured and was able to discharge from the hospital. One year ago me and Yoongi got married and we've lived happily ever since. When Soo Eun got discharged she had nowhere to go. I couldn't let her leave just like that and neither could Yoongi so we both decided to adopt her. I can say that she was really happy to know that we adopted her and we were happy as well that she could be apart off our family.

Today was a warm summer day and me and Yoongi thought about having a barbecue. But not without our friends of course.

Soo Eun, me and Yoongi were waiting for them to arrive and when they finally did we didn't waste time and started the barbecue. Laughter and joy filled the air as we ate, sang, danced, talked and laughed together.

"Omg your little baby girl is growing so much" I was embracing Areum's bum on her stomach, she giggled softly while watching me.

"Yeah she's really growing but she will always be daddy and mommies little princess despite her age" Areum said smiling and Jin hugging her from the side, kissing her temple.

"Have you decided for a name yet?" I asked here, she suddenly frowned and I looked weirdly at her.

"What's wrong?" I asked

"Well we can't decide for a name, because every name I pick he doesn't like it and every name he picks I don't like it. So it's kind of hard to be honest" she laughed awkwardly Jin joining her.

"Well you guys should really decide on a name, the time will soon come when she finally will met this world" I said to them. I changed, I didn't continue being that cold heartless girl I used to be, but I became a warm person with emotions ever since I met Yoongi. He changed me for the better.

"Hey guys don't get to lovey dovey over there come here and have fun with us" Hoseok said while gesturing for us to come, we laughed at him and marched over to them. Yoongi surprising me with a back hug. Everything seemed great like nothing could brake us apart from each other.

They are the source off my happiness they are my euphoria.

But definitely not the last book *wink* *wink*
I'm really glad that I decided to write this book and it has been a big journey and I loved ever single time off it.
I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and this book thanks you for everything!

Cold, so what? (Min Yoongi ff) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now