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"We got a fucking problem" he screamed in my ear. I flinched because I wasn't ready to hear him scream like that.

"Yeah we do got a problem I'm soon going to be deaf, if you continue screaming in my ear" I told, I could hear the guys and Areum talking and laughing.

"Yeah yeah whatever, just come we need all the doctors" he said I could hear footsteps and shouts on the other side off the line.

"What's happening?" I asked thinking that they maybe got a code blue.

"There's a girl that has serious problems and she needs operation and we don't know how long it will take. As max it could take up to 48 hours" I gasped and ran to the door picking up my jacket. I turned around going to the kitchen to tell them that we got an emergency.

"Ehh guys I have to go we have a problem at the hospital" I told them they nodded and Yoongi got up going to the door and putting on his shoes.

"What are you doing?" I asked while he put on his jacket.

"I'm driving you there" he smiled opening the door and waiting for me. I ended the call and put my shoes on and followed him out.

We were sitting in the car in silent. But it was a comfortable silent. But I had this feeling that something was odd. I turned and twist around on the seat, Yoongi sometimes looking weirdly at me.

"What's wrong?" He asked while turning his head in my direction.

"I don't know, I got this odd feeling. Like somethings wrong" I told him still unable to sit still.

It was then I noticed a black van that had been following us for some time now. I turned my head towards the van to try to see through it. But it was impossible. It was pitch black.

"Yoongi I think that black van behind us has been following us for awhile" I told him, he nodded already aware that the van had been following us.

"I know, I've been trying to shake them off but it just doesn't work" he said with a clam voice keeping his cool. I noticed as well that we had been taking another road. Yoongi was constantly looking in the rear mirror trying to figure out who could be doing this.

My mind drifted to my mom, I instantly took up my phone from my pocket and tried to call Youngsik. He didn't answer, I started panicking thinking something had happened with him.

I wasn't able to think much more until I felt a crash beside me. My body flew to the side and the whole car fell.
A man got out off the van and started walking towards the broken car. I started crying silently before my sight turned black.

I woke up feeling dizzy my head hurt and when I put my hands on my head I felt a bandage. I looked around the room and instantly my mind connected with one of my memories.
I used to live here. With my parents. This house belongs to them. This was my room I used to live in before moving out with Youngsik. It looked exactly the same as before. The big black door, the wooden wardrobe, all the posters off celebrities behind the bed and all around the room. My old desk and everything was still there.

I quickly got up and made my way towards the door. As soon as I opened it a woman was standing outside waiting for me. She just stood there like a lifeless creature.

"God morning miss I hope you slept well. Come with me the breakfast is ready" she bowed down and her hands were clapped together in front off her, she was wearing a maid outfit. But she was not the only one, there were more people and not only women but men too.

"Where is Yoongi and Youngsik?" I asked her she didn't react nor answer my question.
She only repeated what she said.

"God morning miss I hope you slept well. Come with me the breakfast is ready" something wasn't right she felt dead. I mean brain dead. It was like she didn't know what she was doing. She turned around and walked down the stairs, I followed slowly behind watching everything as I was passing by. It looked exactly like before and it was giving me chills. Every moment I had in this house flashed before my eyes, all the bad and good moments. Like when my mother first hit me or like the first time I ran away.

When we got down we came to the living room. The woman went straight through it to the kitchen. I followed her and when I came in I saw them.

"God morning darling, did you sleep well?"

Oh my gawd guys I'm sorry I haven't updated. I'm actually on a volleyball tournament and I'm still not home yet. We're in the hotel waiting bc we're going to go eat soon. It's been a long day with many games!

I'm happy to say that exams are OVER!! Finally feels like forever. So I'm gonna do my best and try to update as often I can.

Btw I can't believe that this story got over 500 reads!! I'm soo happy this is crazy, it feels like it's not true. But I'm really really grateful that you guys are reading this story!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you in the next one

Cold, so what? (Min Yoongi ff) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now