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As we finished eating all the pizza that we had bought. I got up and started taking some of the boxes that were lying on the ground.

"Yah are you guys going to help or not?" I screamed a little irritated that they were just lying on the floor like some dead fish on land.

"We're waaaaay to full to even being able to move" Taehyung answered trying to roll up from the floor but failed.

I rolled my eyes at them and turned to Areum thinking that she would me kind enough to help me. Well I was wrong, she was dead asleep, seriously she's always been like this. Every time she eats to much she falls asleep.

I sight and hanged my head down, tired and just wanting to go home already. I knew that I would have to call a taxi and take Areum with me so I thought I'd stay and help clean up. If I don't then these guys aren't going to either.

I made my way to a small kitchen that they had in the building putting down the boxes and going out to get the rest of them.

As I reached the door, I bumped into someone. I looked up to be met with the mint green hair that I always fight with.

"Look where you're going" he said angrily because he just dropped the boxes.
People say that after you eat you get energy. But when it comes to eating that much, I lost my energy. I was to tired to fight with him and this time I didn't want to either. So I just bent down to take the boxes.

We both bent down at the same time and our heads bumped into each other. I lost my balance and fell on my butt. I groaned as I held my head and butt, Yoongi did the same. I shifted my gaze up to look at him and when I did I saw a small pout on his lips. His pout looked weird and funny, I couldn't hold my laughter so I just let it all out. He looked up at me and gave me a glare as I was holding my stomach because of how much I was laughing.

After I could control my laughter, I looked up to see Yoongi starring at me with no emotions on his face.

"What?" I asked confused to why he was starring

"Why do we fight so much?" He asked out of nowhere

"I don't know, we've just never gotten along" I answered while pulling myself up from the floor and brushing of the dust from my clothes.

He "hmm" in response and also got up from the cold floor.

"I'll go get the rest of the plates while you can start doing the dishes" I said as I picked up the boxes Yoongi dropped and put them in the trash can.

I went out to the practice room to be met with 7 baby's sleeping on the floor. I sight rubbing my temples and making my way to the plates that were lying on the floor. I picked them up and went back to the kitchen, there I saw Yoongi doing the dishes. I made my way to him with the rest of the plates and started helping him.

(1 hour later)

It had taken us 1 hour to do the dishes, clean up after all of the boys plus Areum, waking them up and then trying to take them to their rooms without them falling from tiredness.

After all the work I had to take a break, I didn't care that I was in a hallway, I just fell on my butt and rested my eyes.

I felt a presence beside me and I slowly turned around seeing Areum sitting beside me with her head on my shoulder.

As I was about to close my eyes I could hear steps coming towards us, I looked up and saw Yoongi looking down on me and Areum. His eyes looked tired and it looked like he was about to faint any minute.

"Come I'll drive you guys home" he said turning around and walking away. I was about to say that he didn't have to, but let it be because I knew that it would end up him driving us home anyways.

I tried to wake Areum up by tapping her head gently, but she didn't. I decided that I would give her a piggyback. Because I could see how tired she was and I didn't feel like I need her to be mad at me because I woke her up.

I got out of the building and I could see Yoongi's car and him. I slowly made my way to him and opened the door to try to get Areum in the car.

"Can't you help a little?" I asked hoping that he would help me

"No I'm to tired" he said lazy as he got in the drivers seat.

I sight and and after some time I got Areum in the car. I went to the other side and jumped in myself.

"Aren't you going to sit here?" He asked pointing to the seat beside him

"No, I'll sit back here with Areum" I said shaking my head.

He nodded slowly and started the car driving to my apartment. I thought that I would let Areum sleep in my apartment because I didn't want to trouble Yoongi and make him drive around when he clearly is tired.

We arrived at my apartment and before I got out Yoongi turned around facing me.

"Can't we start over" he asked looking closely at me, I felt a weird feeling in my stomach. I mean the way he looked at me, he noticed me staring. He looked first down on his hands and then at me again stretching out his hand for me to shake.

"Hi my name is Min Yoongi" he said showing a gummy smile.

That's it, hope you liked it
And I'll see you in the next chapter

Cold, so what? (Min Yoongi ff) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now