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I sighed and stretched myself before standing up from the chair. I had been in here all day long, doing work. Finally I was done and thought I'd go around the hospital checking the patients see how they were doing.

I was humming to a song and just walking around, talking to some doctors and patients. I found myself standing outside room 365B. I knocked lightly and when I heard a "come in" I opened the door to be met by a big mountain of sheets and pillows.

"Oh Soo Eun-ah, what are you doing" I asked as I got in the room seeing the big mountain on her bed.

Soo Eun was a six year old girl that have lung cancer and she had have it for almost two years now. One day the nurses came rushing in telling that there was a little girl with lung cancer and that she had to have a surgery now, or she would die. I volunteered to do the surgery and after that day she became my patient. Ever since that I grew attracted to her and treated her like my little sister. She was an orphan so she didn't have any family. She said that I was the only family she had and I couldn't leave her.

"Unnie!" She ran towards me jumping on me. Thank god that I was fast enough to catch her because If not she would have fallen down on the floor.

"I haven't seen you in a long time, unnie" she said while a smile crept on her face. She then hugged me tight and I hugged back.

I went to Soo Eun's bed, with her in my arms. I putted her down and she pouted, stretching her arms out wanting me to pick her up again.

"What are you doing with all the sheets?" I asked as I sat down beside her on the bed

"I was going to build something, but it didn't go well" she answered sadly with her head hanging low.

I looked at the watch behind us and it was pretty late, I thought for awhile what to do and at last I got an idea.

"It's pretty late, you should sleep now" I said as I got up from the bed

"Noooo, I want to build something with you!" She pouted and started kicking her legs like an wild animal

"Then how about we build something together tomorrow, what do you say?" I asked as I lowered myself to her level and took out my pinky for her to connect.

Her eyes lit up and she jumped up and down happily. She connected her pinky with mine and then I picked her up helping her change and brushing her teeth. When she was ready for bed I took her out and by then some nurses had already taken out all the sheets and pillows that were on her bed.

"Okay now go to sleep" I said as I putted her down on the bed tucking her in.
"Do you want me to keep the light on?" I asked

"No thanks, I'm not scared" she grinned and waved goodbye I did the same and got out closing the door.

A lot of patients had gone to sleep now and my work hours had already ended. I made my way to my locker to change. When I was done I picked up my bag and got out.

I was waiting for the elevator to come, I looked around noticing that there weren't as much people as there used to be around here. I remembered that this floor usually had a lot of people.

The elevator finally arrived and I stepped in pushing the button to the first floor. The doors closed and the elevator started moving down.

I got out of the elevator on my way out, I bowed to two nurses that were in the lobby talking.

Damn they're talking way to loud, they're gonna wake everyone if the continue.
I thought to myself, as I rolled my eyes at them.

I got out of the hospital and there I saw a black car that looked way to familiar, but I couldn't seem to remember where I've seen it.

I was about to leave when someone called out for me. I stopped and turned around.


100 reads!!!
I'm sooo happy, seriously I thought that no one would want to read this crap.
I hope that you enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you in the next one.

Cold, so what? (Min Yoongi ff) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now