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*peep* *peep*

I heard a weird sound. Coming from beside me. I opened my eyes slowly, adjusting to the sunlight that was shining through the curtains.

When I was fully awake I had a better chance to look around in the room. I wasn't at my parents house anymore, I was in a hospital alone.

I tried sitting up but wasn't able to because off my whole body aching. I groaned lowly while pushing my body to sit up. When I finally was able to I heard noises outside the room.

"Nooo! I beat you" I heard Youngsik say outside the door.

"Yeah right, you lost and almost started crying like a baby" I gasped when I heard Yoongi, how did they get out? How were they able to get out off our parents house.

The door cracked open revealing Yoongi and Youngsik, with a lot off food on their hands.
As soon Youngsik's eyes were on me he screamed and ran towards me. He dropped the food he was holding and ran to me with open arms. Crushing me between his big arms, I giggled at him. Yoongi was still standing there eyes wide open, mouth hung open.

"Y-you're awake!" He screamed and ran towards me hugging me tightly and giving me a kiss on the forehead.

"What happened guys, I mean with our parents? How did you guys escape?" I asked curiously, they let go off me confused.

"What are you talking about y/n?" Youngsik asked looking weirdly at me.

"What do you mean?" I asked still confused, the two males looked at me before sitting in front off me.

"You don't remember do you?" Yoongi asked, I tilted my head and tried to remember.

"Yeah I remember we were in a car accident and then I found myself in our parents home. They had kidnapped us and made us stay there with them" I said to them, Youngsik let out a 'heh' before going up and calling for a doctor. I looked back at Yoongi and he smiled sweetly at me.

"I think the doctor will explain what happened" he told me while caressing me hand with his thumb.

The doctor arrived and stood in front off me with Youngsik beside.

"Hello ms Lee, mr Lee here told me that you're awake but that you are confused as well. Let me tell you that after the accident you and Yoongi were in. You fell into a coma and you've been in a coma for 2 months. You must have dreamed that you were back at your parents house but that never happened because you have always been here" he told me i widened my eyes and let out a sight of relief.

"Thank god that never happened I was so scared" I mumbled but they all heard me. Yoongi hugged me from the side. Digging his head in my neck, I smiled down at his form.

"You don't have to worry, we'll never let anything happen to you" Youngsik assured me while stroking my head slowly.

I nodded at him and we sat down to eat, everything seemed so normal even through I felt different.
The door slammed open and in came Jimin.

"Oh Y/N!! You're awake!" He laughed and came to us, I smiled at him.

"I have to tell you guys about something BIG!" He said while throwing his arms in the air.

"What?" Youngsik asked turning towards him, Jimin grinned happily before saying something we never thought could happen.

Heello Guys!
I have been so bored and thought I'd update again!
There are only a few chapters left until this book ends...
But it's not the last book I'm posting. I've got a Kim Taehyung ff ready. So when this book is done I'll publish the other one.
Sooo I hope you enjoy this chapter and I'll see you in the next one!

Cold, so what? (Min Yoongi ff) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now