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Two weeks have past by since I met BTS and it's been a hell ever since. Areum has taken me oh my bad I mean forced me to come with her to hang out with them. Obviously I said yes because she is my best friend. But I shouldn't have, now they think that I'm their friend to.

Right now I'm at the hospital, on a break. After a long surgery. I feel like crap and I can't wait until I can go home and sleep.
I was going to just rest my eyes for five minutes. But I was interrupted by the door cracking open revealing a quite new nurse that they just hired. I sight and closed my eyes didn't think she would bother me.

"Mm, excuse me doctor Lee?" She said in a whisper

"Yes" I answered lightly

"I'm sorry to bother you but there's someone looking for you, someone named Areum I think" she said with her finger under her chin, thinking if she remembered the name right.

I sight and got up from my seat, before going out the door I bowed as a 'thank you' and she bowed back.

I made my way to the lobby and there she was...with all the guys behind her looking lost like small puppies.

When Areum set her eyes on me, a smile crept on to her face and she waved out to me. I waved back and made my way to them.

As I reached them Jungkook came towards me and pulled me in a hug, I awkwardly hugged back and then let go pretty fast.

"Hi noona how have you been?" He showed his legendary bunny smile

"I've been good Jungkook, how about you?" I questioned

"Good" he answered happily

The rest of BTS followed him to greet me. Some of them hugged me, when I say some of them I mean everyone except for Yoongi obviously.

"So what are you guys doing here?" I asked confused with my hands on my hips

"Areum told us that you worked as a surgeon and we wanted to see where" Taehyung answered while putting one of his arms over Jungkook's shoulders.

I gave Areum a little glare and she tried to look innocent.

"We're going to order pizza later and we were wondering if you want to join us?" Namjoon asked, I turned to face him and at first my mind was totally blank and I didn't know what to answer.

I looked over at Areum and she pouted and gave me her biggest puppy eyes. I sight in defeat and turned around facing the guys.

"Sure why not" I said and they cheered happily I shushed them reminding them that they were in a hospital and that they should keep quite. They all shout their mouth and bowed to the people that were giving them glares.
I sight lightly at their stupidness and in the corner of my eye I could see Yoongi staring at me.

(In the practice room)

We finally arrived at BigHit Entertainment. We got out of the big black van that drove us here with 6 boxes of freshly made pizza.

We got in to the practice room with the pizza and the drinks. Me, Areum, Jin, Namjoon, Hobi, Tae and Jungkook sat down on the floor while Yoongi and Jimin went to get some plates.

I was sitting beside Jin and the other side was empty. They all made small conversations with each other. When Yoongi and Jimin came in they all cheered because they could finally eat the pizza.

We started eating when I felt someone sitting beside me. I turned around and saw Yoongi. The last person In the world that would sit beside me. I was literally confused, why would he sit here when we hate each other.

It was like he already read my mind because he answered my question.

"The pizza will be eaten in a second over there so that's why I'm sitting here." He answered with coldness in his voice. I turned around looking at Taehyung and Jungkook eating the pizza like crazy animals. I looked back at Yoongi and slowly nodded and then I put my all focus on eating the delicious pizza.

That's it guys hope you like it!

Cold, so what? (Min Yoongi ff) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now