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"No it can't be possible, if it is true...we have to get out of here..." he's words made me wake up and I looked at him. I was shocked I hadn't seen him like this, not since we lived with our parents.

"But where?" Jonghye was right we didn't have anywhere to go, we couldn't just leave.

"I don't know, but we can't stay...we know what they're capable of doing, we CAN'T stay" Youngsik raised his voice a as he ran his hand through his dark hair.

"I don't think we should run away like this" My cold voice made Youngsik's eyes widen.

"What the hell are you talking about?" He looked scared, he looked lost. I didn't want us to keep on running like this.

"Listen, I know that we had it tough. But we can't keep on running away like this.
Don't you remember?, we broke our contact with them. They can't do anything to us. We don't need to run, not anymore.
Please listen Youngsik" I begged for him to listen, he was looking down and was being quite.

He looked up at me and nodded his head slowly. A sad smile made it's way to my face and we continued to eat like nothing happened.


I got up from my bed, thinking about what Jonghye told us yesterday.
Me and Youngsik decides to stay here, but we had to inform each other if our parents were seen again at the hospital, or if they talk to us.

I thought that I wouldn't tell Areum, because she would only be scared and I didn't want to worry her.

I was driving to work, with my mind somewhere else.
I was so scared of seeing our parents again, but still I couldn't show what I truly felt after seeing Youngsik reaction.
I had to be strong and protect him, I can't afford to lose him to.
I had to keep my cool, even through all I want is someone to be here with me and tell me that everything is gonna be alright.

I parked my car and got out, I was taking fast but sure steps to my office. As I was passing other nurses and doctors we bowed to each other but I hated to talk to them. They were to annoying.

I opened my door and got in. I didn't realize that Areum was there with all the other guys.

"(Y/N)" she squealed as she ran to me and hugged me tightly, the others had big smiles on their faces even Yoongi.

"What are you guys doing here?" I asked as I put my bag down and went to my seat. Jimin was sitting there and I pushed him off lightly he pouted and went to sit beside Jin that was sitting in one of the couches. With his arms crossed over his chest like a 5 year old.

"We haven't seen you in a long time" Namjoon said as he was going through all of the books that were placed nicely on the bookshelf.

"You guys wanted to see me?" I asked confused, I turned my head meeting Yoongi's gaze. As our eyes meet he smiled sweetly, showing a side that I've never seen before.

Moving my eyes away from him and meeting Areum's gaze. She looked kind of worried, I already knew from the start that I wasn't a good actor. I knew that she would be able to see through me.
I tried to smile at her, but made things worst as now she looked even more worried then before.

I sight before getting up, getting everyone's attention, their heads turned to look at me.

"You guys should go I have a lot to do" I smiled sadly at them, taking some papers that were lying on the table. As I was picking up my things I could feel Yoongi's intense gaze piercing on my skin.

I heard the door open and them going out, but not all of them. I looked up from my papers and Areum was still in the room.

Right there right now, she burst out into tears. Falling on the floor and wiping away the tears with her palms. But it didn't help, because the tears weren't stopping.

I ran beside her hugging her tightly. I could feel how my shirt slowly got wet because of her tears. I stroked her head trying to calm her down.

"Areum, what's wrong? Talk to me" I said softly while rubbing her back carefully

"Youngsik...he told me...about your parents" she said between sobs as she was crying now harder then before.

"I was so scared to know...that they are back again...I'm scared that they will hurt you two" her sobs getting louder and louder, soon tears gathered in the corner of my eyes as well. But I sucked them up, I already told myself that I wouldn't be weak. I would be strong.

Strong enough to protect the people I love.

That's all!
Hope you enjoy!

Cold, so what? (Min Yoongi ff) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now