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"Good morning darling did you sleep well?" She said while taking a sip from her coffee.

"What the hell am I doing here and where is Yoongi and Youngsik?" I asked irritated she looked up at me and smiled.

"Oh sweetheart we brought you were you belong and Youngsik is in his room tied up to his bed because he was a bad boy. He tried to run away from us, while your little boyfriend is in the basement. Asleep." I gasped and turned around wanting to run to Yoongi feeling scared as what they might have done to him. But as I got to the door I was stopped by to men standing in the way. I glared at them but they didn't move.

"Get. Out. Of. My. Way." I kept glaring at them, but nothing happened.

"Sorry sweetheart but they won't listen to you" my mother replied, standing up from her chair and fixing her dress.

"Take her to her room" she said and then I felt to arms around me, lifting me up from the ground. One off the men had lift me up on his shoulder. I was moving around trying to free myself. But nothing worked. I was hitting his back and wigging until I heard a scream.

"Yoongi-" I wasn't able to finish my sentence before I passed out. The other man injected me with a serum that made me fall asleep.

I groaned as I started to wake up. I sat on the bed and looked around. Same still same nothing changed. I thought I dreamed about being in my parents house. But no it wasn't a dream. Everything was real. As I got up I stumbled upon my steps and lost my balance. I fell on my knees and silently started crying.

I hated it, why? Why did this have to happen to me? Why do they have to destroy everything?

These questions never leaved my mind. I wanted to go back like it was before. When everything was fine.
When I was working with Youngsik, hanging out with Areum and the boys and slowly falling in love with Yoongi.

A knock on the door startled me and I got up from the ground and slowly made my way to the door.

There stood the same woman like earlier. I stepped aside letting her go in and do what she wanted to do.

I sat on the couch further away and inspected her, as she changed the sheets and cleaned the room.

Indeed she didn't look normal the way she did things, it looked unhealthy.

I widened my eyes, everything clicked in my head. They were injected with something making them zombie like. The same was with those men out there.

I remembered that I heard Yoongi scream and I jumped out off the couch and went towards the door. But was immediately stoped by the woman.

"Sorry miss but your not allowed to leave the room" I turned around and she stood there looking down and then going through me to the door. She opened it and closed it.

It hit when I heard the click sound knowing that she locked the door. I was trapped inside this room for god knows how long!

I started panicking and grabbing the door handle trying to open it. I panicked even more when it didn't work. I started going around in the room back and forth. Until I heard a peep sound. Like one off those monitors in hospitals.

My head started spinning and it felt like someone was hitting it multiple times. Until I couldn't take anymore and fell to the floor.

We're above 500 reads and I'm sooo happy and glad that you guys are reading this story!
It's a shorter chapter today sorry but they will get longer!
Hope you enjoy this chapter and I'll see you in the next one!

Cold, so what? (Min Yoongi ff) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now