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Rapunzel payed a final look at the paper she's been holding- a letter coming from her cousin. Elsa... Elsa Arendelle. Folding the letter and returning it back to the envelope, she never have second doubts whether to ask something further in return. She knows it. A concrete and final decision had been made; with no disagreement coming from her or any words she wanted to voice out.

Arianna was bewildered by her daughter's fine gesture; too clouded by what she had seen but she knew it will be like this. Rapunzel is not the person that can be easily persuaded by that of simple reasoning; she needed something more deeper, something that would push her at the edge of her independence.

Rapunzel stared at her mother, her green eyes sparkled- and quivered at the same time.

"No." She breathed.

Arianna attempted to move and talk-

"Mother." Rapunzel called softly. "You know I can't do this." Her eyes glistened with the heat forming beneath her eyelids.

None of them moved any limb; too stiff, calm and still.

"I-I..." She stuttered. "I can't just leave Germany. For all the years I spent here, I just can't leave everything behind."

The look from her mother smoothens and sharpened within a click. She picked up the envelope from the table's surface and completely showed it to Rapunzel, hand gripped tighter. All she wanted was for her daughter's happiness and freedom, she wanted her to explore every single place she wanted her to see. Not just being locked up in Germany.

"Rapunzel." Arianna called. "Elsa is inviting you to Norway. To study there and live as long as you wanted. Have fun and all." She neared. "Isn't that what you like, dear?"

"Yes!" She squeaked. "I-I mean, not this long!" Her steps had narrowed. "This... it takes forever."

"It will be fine."

"I'll be gone for years, mother. I just... I just can't." She calmly answered.

"Why?" Her mother asked. "Is it because of someone? Leaving them will be a big burden of yours. Is that it?"

Rapunzel stopped. Her eyes blinking in shock.


"Is it because of this Eugene guy?" She snapped. "Isn't it?"

The blonde young lady was lost within the depths of her thoughts. She never expected this. Like a slap in the face, she was confused and bombarded at the same moment; reality flashing its lights at her and she'll find herself in a tough and burdening situation. Being stuck in a room without a key, hint... or help.

Her forehead crinkled.

Is it?

"No, mother!" She cried out loud. Arianna silenced. "There are so many things I love here that I just can't let go." Rapunzel explained, traveling her gaze around. "Too many memories. Too many experiences. I grew up in this place. I love here." She stated.

Rapunzel stuttered within her words. He's not mainly the reason why she doesn't want to leave, but Eugene has been a part of it, barely. There are million of possibilities that she cannot even count or say. Cannot be described by words or by numbers.

A New World | THE BIG FOUR: Book 2 ✔Where stories live. Discover now