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"D-don't give up on us, Jack" Kristoff said with exhaustion, trying to grip into idea that everything's gonna be okay.

They were holding him on both shoulders. The time they've fished him out from the water, he was unconscious seconds before they've finally reached him. Jack floated like a corpse thrown down into a creek—murdered and lifeless. As they drag him, all the weight burdened Hiccup and Kristoff, Jack's feet were crushing against the sand. His head bore down, with dripping water from his hair and face.

As they reached the shore, they placed his body in a supine position to facilitate his airway and promote ventilation.

"Get a towel, P-Please." Hiccup stuttered.

Eugene swiftly ran inside the beach house. For purpose sake's, he is the only who completely knows where are the facilities placed into. When he came back with folds of towel, Jack hadn't awaken yet.

"Hey, Buddy." Hiccup slapped his cheek softly, trying to put him into consciousness.

"Wake up."

Eugene placed the towels onto the ground and interrupted. He stepped into the space.

"Step aside. We have to supply oxygenation." He explained as Hiccup moved sideward. "The water must have gotten into his lungs."

He kneeled onto the sand—it crushed against his skin but Eugene endured the occurring pain. For he remembered, he learned the precautionary things to do when things like these happens. He needed to do CPR which he have to give chest compression and mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. If it is effective and time hadn't gotten in the way, there's still a possibility.

Eugene started to pump Jack's chest, both of his hands were fisted into one. After twenty chest compression, he pursed his lips and tilted Jack's head to open the airway, Eugene released air to him. And the cycle goes on while waiting for Jack to woke up.

Elsa paced nervously as she watched them intensely.

Her lips trembled trying to say something urgent—

"B-but, as far as I know, Jack is a good swimmer."

Kristoff nodded, agreeing to what Elsa had said. Yes. As far as he know, Jack had been a swimmer ever since before and hes been an active varsity swimmer around the campus.

"Yeah, that is what I also know." Kristoff blinked in disbelief, his eyes unmoved as he watched the lifeless man. "I-I just don't know what happened back there."

Hiccup heard what they had just said. He quirked his head, trying to come up with other explanation. If that's what it is, it have must been an unexpected happening and Jack hadn't seen it coming.

Hiccup centered between them and place his hands on his waist, being driven to answer a critical inquiry.

His looks became sharp and serious.

"Maybe a cramp or something." He explained, gaining a look from everyone.

"He didn't took time to rest after eating."

Jack laid down idly onto the floor. Small amounts of water started to exit through his mouth, flowing and dripping down the edge of his lips. As Eugene continuously applied compression for the nth time, Jack's eyes shivered as the skin moved sharply as a response.

"Come on." Eugene whispered, talking to him silently.

His eyes calmed—and opened in a thundering snap.

A New World | THE BIG FOUR: Book 2 ✔Where stories live. Discover now