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Days had passed and Rapunzel felt so overwhelmed of the weight reigning on her shoulders. She left Germany. Her face suddenly saddened. She can now feel the pain beneath her eyes, hunting her. With the open window pane, Rapunzel shivered through the cold night wind; never realizing it suits her more than she thinks it will be.

Lampposts aligned through the streets, white gleaming lights shone under the coat of darkness. Brighter than the moon... than the stars. Buildings laid up spaces to spaces, larger than she expected. It's far too different. Unfamiliar.

"Det er vakkert."

The driver of the vehicle, an old man in his late 40's, mumbled underneath his breath. His gaze landed unto the rear mirror, looking at a blonde lady at the back.

Rapunzel snapped a look and smiled wryly. She can't speak nor understand Norwegian or any sort of language but by the looks of it, the man might be talking to himself or mumbling an expression of his. To himself alone. Rapunzel traveled her eyes back to the open window, watching every light she sees.

"Ah." The man moaned. White beard covered his lips. Nodding.

Rapunzel twitched, gazed back at the old man's back. Watching him move the steering wheel into a right turn.

"Norway is a wonderful place." The man started. "If that's what you are thinking right now, don't worry." He smiled. "This place will lighten your thoughts about it."

His mouth opened, lips trembling-

"It's beautiful."

Rapunzel listened to everything he said. Her eyes bore within. She knows that this place is as magnificent as to what she hears and will see. Rapunzel knows it. But an undeniable feeling made its cut within her skin. Norway will lighten the freshly opened wound in her, it will heal as time will fly. Someday. It will.

She smiled. Her lips curved up. Her blond hair tossed around together with the wind.

Her mouth gaped, setting aside the lump forming in her throat.

"Det er vakkert."

Rapunzel whispered, even she can only hear. It's beautiful. Knowing that these are the first Norwegian words she learned in her life. Words that made an impression to her.

The vehicle turned in an alley and came out within the other of the street, much more peaceful compared to the first ones she had seen. They turned to another right turn whereas fewer yet bigger houses showed up. Houses like that of Germany.

"We've arrived." The man beamed, the vehicle came into a full stop before growling to death.

Rapunzel gazed through the window and witnessed a glamorous well-built house in light shade of brown and white in color, much more like a mansion with tall black tinted gates in front, securing what was inside.

The man, never knowing his name, began cuddling up the baggage and passed through the gates.

Rapunzel opened the door and went outside, white smoke escaping from her thin pink lips as she breathed. A white thick scarf wrapped around her neck. Her feet in small slow pace, she can feel her heart beat fast. Walking. Walking. Until someone greeted her.

"Good evening, my lady." The woman smiled as Rapunzel walked passed through the gates. "You must be Miss. Rapunzel Corona?"

The young lady beamed despite the cold electrifying wind blowing against her skin.

"That's me." She smiled.

A New World | THE BIG FOUR: Book 2 ✔Where stories live. Discover now