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Merida entered with her shoes clanking on the floor, all eyes on her. She didn't smile nor smirk for the simple fact she's gaining the attention of everyone- and also her bright red colored hair which causes them to look at her vividly, examining her every move.

Merida stilled until in the corner of her eyes, something- or maybe someone caught her attention. And there she was, the young blonde lady whom she met a while ago, seating and watching her as everybody does.

Rapunzel smiled.

Merida isn't sure what to do. She stilled.

"Okay." The instructor cut, collecting eyes at him. "I guess, we have some new faces here." He smiled and looked at Elsa whose seating beside Rapunzel.

The lady just gave a small nod.

"Now, please come in front the first two newcomers and join Ms..." The instructor glided at his side and gave Merida a look.

"What is your name, child?"

Merida almost choked in the attempt of answering a simple question. There are three newcomers including herself, that means, she and Rapunzel isn't the only one under the spotlight. Her eyebrows wrinkled at the idea. She tumbled through her words and finally came up into one.

"Merida Dun'broch. Ah- Ms. Dun'broch." She answered almost in a whisper.

The man nodded.

"And join Ms. Dun'broch in front. Come on. Come on." The middle-aged man clasped his hands together, excitement flowing in his tone of voice.

As expected, Rapunzel stood up with no further ado. She knows she has no problem in standing in front of many people as she had used to do in Germany, but the thing is, this is not Germany nor the people isn't approachable as Eugene. She shook off the thought.

It's all in her mind.

Jack was watching her from behind. He would take short glances of Elsa and would scribble down notes like nothing ever happened. But now, he watches Rapunzel as she shyly stood beside the redhead.

He admits it. She is beautiful and cute at some way. Like Anna but in a totally different angle. But she is way too different from Elsa, Elsa is elegant and sophisticated and Rapunzel... well, the opposite. He may never know. Jack shook off the idea and diverted his focus into another. Why would he think this way? He thought and continued scribbling down.

Hiccup is the last one to approach them, his head lying low, he managed to gather strength and courage to at least not to do something awkward and stupid. That is the least he could do.

The three teenagers line up consecutively in front. They may be still adapting to their new found home but they have a lot of untold stories they eagerly and wanted to share- if there are.

"Okay. Now that we are all settled in." The instructor started. "We'll start from you." He smoothly pointed his arm at Merida.

The redhead took a deep breath and fully took a glimpse of the class. Elsa watched and observed her attentively while Anna, flowing with excitement, waited for her to start talking.

"I-uh, I am Merida Dun'broch from Scottland." She blushed- almost. "Ya know, I-uhm, we are quite new here so we really need some guidance- or... just anything."

The class chuckled. Hiccup and Rapunzel who was standing beside her shortly nodded, agreeing to what she said. Of course, they needed guidance and friends if possible. Lucky for Rapunzel, she got her cousins with her.

A New World | THE BIG FOUR: Book 2 ✔Where stories live. Discover now