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Elsa shifted her gaze at the man in front of her, waiting for a concrete answer. She did not expected it at first, Elsa knew Jack would go over Rapunzel to dance with her, to know her better or to tell funny and interesting stories about his own experiences—because that is what he truly is.

Elsa stared back—Jack is waiting.

She heaved a deep breath.

Honestly, she half expected it.

Elsa gave in and smiled, her lips curved at both ends, she slowly nodded... and handed her hand to his. Jack cannot fully hide his excitement as he had successfully encouraged the lady to dance—with him.

As they move together, joining with other people on the dance floor; the upbeat music blasted upon their eardrums, making it difficult to hear whatever they are trying to say or comprehend. Plus, the chatty noise coming from the dancers are making it more unbearable and impossible to cope up with. Elsa and Jack both stood at the center which they found empty and bare. The lights shone to their faces and skin.

Jack cracked a laugh and held both of her hands, both of them facing each other.

"Jack." Elsa called, which left him to duck lower.

"I cannot dance."

Jack, duck his head further.

"What?" He asked loudly enough for Elsa to hear.

"I cannot" She stopped. "I do not know how to dance. You know that, Jack."

Jack grinned as a response. He clasped her hands tighter in between his fingers and intertwined them together. Elsa watched him.

Jack stared at her and gave an encouraging smile. Elsa is beautiful indeed, her hair was clipped the same way as Anna. Her dress is a shade of icy blue in soft cottony fabric which ends up to her ankles, showing off a blue high heels which shone in her pale feet. Her freckles spread through her nose and bare shoulders.

Their pale hands was in a similar shade.

"It doesn't matter if you're a good dancer or not,"

A group of people began to circle around, dragging anyone around them—holding their hands even not knowing the person beside and they would start to dance in a big formed circle. Giggling and laughing at the thought that they have occupied a lot of space on the floor.

Jack pulled Elsa and gazed back at her.

"The important thing is, you know how to follow the beat of the music."

And both of them was pulled in.

Their hands were held together tightly as they moved in circles—like children playing in the playground, looking for own company and friends. The laughter of the large group filled the room and the guests, even on their table, eating and chatting had payed a look to see what's happening—and they would stare in bewilderment and fascination.

Rapunzel was also in the same state—her head moved as every beat of the music drops. She would smile and laugh as she can see her friends inside the circle.

Kristoff and Merida, Hiccup and Anna was also dragged in. The four were held together as they can see Jack and Elsa in front of them—at the opposite side where they close their eyes shut and would laugh, being moved by the motion.

The music began slow down and fade, a few seconds later, it left the whole dance floor in silence but the cheers from the crowd liven the situation—after the music died down, the group broke the circle as everyone began to walk away separately.

A New World | THE BIG FOUR: Book 2 ✔Where stories live. Discover now