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The cave that housed them for at least the whole night was left empty clean. The bonfire was burnt out for good. The weapons, backpacks, canned goods and barks was nowhere to be found.

They all left the cavern knowing it will not be a safe place to hide in when war is at stake—and who said about hiding?

The four teenagers know their own responsibilities. They've got their own abilities, their skills and most of all, they got each others back. No ones going to stop them. Not now.

There must be a purpose why they're... and that certain reason brought them together...


Jack ducked his head low and sharply waved his right hand in a fist as a signal. The others trailing behind him lowered down—Hiccup leaned over a pine tree, Merida hid in the bushes with Rapunzel at the far end.

"They're here." Jack whispered.

Hiccup peered over and saw the small detail of what is happening in front of them.

"It's the same," He glanced at Jack. "The same creatures that attacked us."

The night sky were filled with ashy smoke—tingling and sharp, coming from the flames. It looked like an ambush or a plane crash, the burning flame was enormous.

At higher heights, numerous nightmares flew passed them—above their head. They sounded like horses, grunting and heaving as they trudged away from them to the clearing.

"Yeah. I see."

Jack turned over his shoulders as Hiccup ducked lowly and joined him. Merida was watching with the bow and arrow and the quiver hanging on her shoulder blades. They are actually unseen—it was dark and unlit.

But still, they can see each others faces.

"We need a plan." Hiccup began.

"Well, it will take us forever to come up in to something, Hic."

Merida crouched over. Her red curls bounced and covered some portions of her face. They were grouped together in their feet with their head low.

Jack is waiting for someone. The one that surely completes the group. But no one came after Merida. Jack distinctly remember she was here... with them.

They left the cave together.

Dried leaves crunched... and a voice—like it was trying to say something urgent came out muffled. And there's a swift pull of air.

Jack frantically stood up, never minding whether it might blow their cover.

"Where is Rapunzel?" His voice is low... and trembling.

There was silence. Hiccup and Merida were now in their fighting stance.

For sure, Merida knows Rapunzel was trailing behind her the time they came into a stop. She turned her head back a couple of times, making sure everything is falling in to place.

"WhaI know, she's following us behind."

Merida stuttered. Her eyes quiver at the sight.

Without any words, Hiccup snatched the sword from one of his compartments and pressed the button at the center—a flaming sword came into view.

He raised the sword with the flames on and gave them enough visibility, wide area as they expected.

Jack, Merida and Hiccup stared upwards—at the sky where a nightmare gropes in to the light. Before anything, it's head stared down for the last time and its eyes glowed in sharp gold before it scavenge away.

A New World | THE BIG FOUR: Book 2 ✔Where stories live. Discover now