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A dense medium-sized boat floated atop the clear crystalline water as the sun pricks on the horizon, not too warm and not too cold. The sand is white and soft as everyone feels under the sole of their shoes and slippers. The wind hushed gently, touching and swaying the trees on the island.

The group began to exit through a small plank that connects the boat from the shoreline, soaking their feet into the warm water. They gaped in awe as a marvelous beach house welcomed their very eyes.

"Wow. I did not see that." Kristoff said aloud with others trailing behind.

Jack blinked his eyes in amazement—clearing off his vision, making sure he is looking at something real. It's been long since he was indulged by anything. The white shirt he wore, swayed as it became windy upon their arrival.

The beach house looks superb and fantastic, it was elevated in a good height from the ground. With short staircase heading to the main entrance, a clear glass sliding door with clean curtains. Upon looking outside, someone can definitely tell the coziness and comfort by the size and furniture inside the vicinity.

Rapunzel locked her gaze at the beach, standing against the harsh yet smooth wind.

Eugene, with a luggage in his hand, stopped for a while to get everyone's attention.

"Here we are." He welcomed.

Elsa neared, wearing loose beautiful blue dress with a pair of sunglasses to protect her eyes from the heat. Her eyes were unsteady.

"Uhm," She started, paying a look.

"Where are we again?"

Eugene let go of the luggage, placing it onto the porch as he made his way further towards the beach house. He can say, for almost years of not visiting this certain place, nothing had changed as he surveyed the area. It was almost untouched. The same scenery flashed in his memory years ago. Eugene remembers it, the last time he went here.

He shifted his head and gazed at the platinum blonde.

"Haukland island." He smiled. "It's been so long the last time I visited. I can barely remember it."

Eugene moved his stare at a man smiling at his direction. He stood visibly where everyone, almost could see him. Elsa, feeling the sudden silence, gazed over her shoulders. It was someone... unfamiliar.

"Stabbington!" Eugene beamed and opened his arms, trudging through the short-paced staircase and planting a deep pat on the man's shoulder as they came into contact.

"Oh, I almost forgot." Eugene laid his arms at his shoulder.

"This is Sideburns Stabbington. The beach house's care taker and our family's closest friend." He smiled. "He prepared for our arrival."

This is the very first time Rapunzel seeing Stabbington, well the namae Sideburns is kinda funny to begin with . Ever since her stay in Germany, Eugene hadn't introduced someone before—or any of their family's close relatives. She did not even know they own a private island here in Norway. Everything is new to her.

They greeted back like a choir singing praise songs in a church—concise, having the same joyful rhythm. Stabbington waved his broad hand, his beard widen as his lips curved.

"I'm Anna! By the way." Anna quirked, making everybody to crack up.

Stabbington nodded upon hearing her name.

"Well folks, I hope ya'll enjoy your stay here."

He lastly said and exited with Eugene's company, taking their luggage and belongings with them. Hiccup followed at their backs as they marched into the main door to kindly fix and put everything into place.

A New World | THE BIG FOUR: Book 2 ✔Where stories live. Discover now