New home

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Trigger warnings!-

-self harm
Alexanders pov-

    I sighed and looked out the window as Mr. Lee rambled on about random facts I didn't care about. I jumped out of my skin when he placed his hand on my shoulder.
"Oh i'm sorry alex i forgot about your TRIGGERS", he said calmly taking his hand off of me.
    "Oh uh its ok but uh what did you need?", I asked still slightly shaky.
He glanced at me pity filling his eyes before he said, "I just wanted to reassure you".
"Reassure me of what?" I mumbled bitterly.
    "Well uh just that they are a good family Alex" he stuttered out, "they've been in the system for awhile and they've adopted other kids....and they both say they love it there. I am hoping you will too." he finished with a bit of hope in his voice.
    "Uh yeah sure..." i trailed off looking back out at the rain.
He sighed and turned back to the road. It was about another 10 minutes before we pulled into a driveway. I opened the car door and looked at the house. The house was huge! I grabbed my bag and walked up to the door Mr. Lee by my side. Lee knocked on the and a short yet oddly beautiful women and tall well built man opened the door to greet us.
    The lady smiled at us and waved "oh! Hello my name is Martha and this is my husband George, OH please come in and have a seat." she said holding out her hand quickly.
    I flinched away and fell off the steps.
"Oh alex are you alright" Lee said panicked slowly holding out his hand for me to grab. I grabbed his hand and helped myself up and into the house keeping my head down.
    I stood by the front door as Martha walked upstairs presumably to tell her other kids how much of a failure i am...ANYWAYS i looked up as she walked back down with what i assumed only to be two twins although one was slightly taller than the other.
    "Lafayette, Thomas, Say hello to your new brother Alexander" George said despite being awfully silent.
    The taller one scoffed at me and rolled his eyes...yeah i wouldn't want me as a brother either.
The other boy however looked at me and smiled the biggest smile i had ever seen?
    "Oh hello! MY name is Lafayette! You must be alexander oh i have been wanting to meet you for so long zee i have always wanted another brother!" he said giddy and full of excitement.
    I took a quick note of his french accent before martha looked at me...probably in disappointment.
"Alex you will be sleeping in the room with that alright with you?" she asked cautiously.
"Oh uh yeah of course!" i said snapping out of my thoughts.
I walked upstairs with Lafayette to what I could only assume to be his room. He showed me around the room and lead me to the closet.
"You can just leave your stuff in there like shirts and other things" he said
I stared at him for a bit before shaking my head. He then showed me my dresser where I suppose pants go?? I've heard of them sure but as of having one, no never no one would allow it. He casually left the room as I unpacked my things. I put the shirts I owned in the closet 4 of them unless you count the one I'm wearing now. I sat down and began folding my worn down pants and sticking them neatly in the drawer. I shivered at the thought of it being messy....I'm not allowed to be messy. I pulled one last item out of my bag....a picture frame.
My moms face had the brightest smile as she held me and my brother alongside with my dad. I smiled as the small tears fell down my face.
I wiped my face and headed downstairs. I saw Mr. Lee talking to the Washington's presumably about me...
"I think it's time I head out now" Lee said stretching and getting out of his chair.
He shook hands with them one more time. He glanced at me and walked over "I'm gonna miss you Alex" he said ruffling my hair "don't let anyone hurt you if they do come straight to me ok"
"Of course" I said looking at him
"Bye Alex!" He shouted closing the door.
I went to go talk to the Washington's about how thankful I was for them when someone grabbed me and kneed me in the stomach. I let out a yelp before I heard the voice.
            "You best learn your place here! The bottom don't fucking mess with me or I'll send you right back where you came from" he said in a whisper just loud enough to hear.
I whimpered slightly but shook my head yes. He walked away and I quickly ran upstairs and sat on the floor by my bed. My breathing became erratic and I couldn't see through the tears...I was having a panic attack! I needed something quickly to ground my to reality without thinking I broke the picture frame and stabbed my arm with it yelling out in pain as I did so. I'm My breathing became even more irregular as I search for a bandage of some kind. I finally found a small wrap in my bag. I wrapped up my arm and sat down on my bed with my hands covering my tear stained cheeks. I had planned on staying there all night but Mr. Washington yelled that it was dinner time. I sighed and shouted back I quickly rinsed off my face and headed down stairs to the dining room.
"Hi Alex I'm glad you're here for dinner"
I shook my head lightly before I sat down i glanced up only to see Thomas glaring at me. Wow already fucked this up didn't you Alex I said to myself trying to avoid his gaze. Mrs. Washington walked out with piles of food and set them down on the table. I don't think I've even seen that much food in my entire life. She sat down and put a little bit of everything into my plate. I looked at it wide eyed and before I had a chance to stop myself I looked up to her and said "wait I'm actually allowed to eat?" I mentally facepalmed and looked back down at the food.
"Well of course we're giving you food? You're our child remember why would we not feed you?" She said. I could almost taste the pity from her voice as she spoke. I took another look at the food before I grabbed a fork and began eating it. It was absolutely fantastic! It must've been homemade. I quickly ate all the food although careful so I didn't get sick. I smiled brightly when I saw I had ate it all I felt my stomach grumble with delight at the mere thought of more. However, I wasn't going to seem greedy by asking for more this would suffice for now. I excused myself and was about to head back upstairs when George stopped me and handed me a small box. I looked at him only to see he went and sat back down at the table. I shook my head and walked upstairs. I sat on the ground and carefully opened the box. Inside were pajamas with the founding fathers faces on it. I'll tell you now that Lin Manuel miranda was the biggest person on there. I quickly took my clothes off and carefully put on the pajamas. As I was attempting to put the shirt on I heard a cough at the door. I turned around only to see Lafayette.
"Uh hey Alex? What's with all those scars"
"What?" I asked nervously
"All those scars they're everywhere" he said
"Oh those....I don't want to talk about it" I said quietly
"Ok... are you sure you're alright?" He said with hesitation.
"Oh yeah I'm fine!" I responded "smiling".
"Ok" he said before heading back downstairs
I felt my heart rate increase as my breathing became erratic I quickly ran to the bathroom and pushed everything around until I found what I needed. A small but extremely helpful object. I held the blade to my wrist pushed down and dragged it across my forearm. I watched as the blood trickled down my arm and onto the tiles. I got up after finishing the job and put my shirt on but not before I found more bandages in the same cabinet. I carefully wrapped my arm and layer down in bed. I thought about mom...and James...peter. I missed them so much. I cried myself to sleep that night but oh tomorrow would be much worse.

Lafayette'a Pov-

I headed down stairs...Alex worried me he seemed so scared and depressed. Maybe I should tell mom...yeah I'll tell mom. I found mom sitting down on the couch watching drunk history.
"Mom...I need to talk to you" I said tapping her on the shoulder.
"Oh of course!" She said pausing her show
"It's about Alexander" I said "I worried about him"
"Oh why sweeetheart?" She asked
"Mom he's covered in scars all over his back chest and arms" I said tears looking into my eyes "he won't tell me what's wrong or how he got them" I said
"Lafayette dear it's ok"
"No mom it's not he's hurting but he won't tell us" I said crying
"Hey it's alright I'll go check on him real quick ok" She said
"Ok...I love you mom"
"I love you too laf" She said smiling sadly

Martha's Pov-

I gave Lafayette a hug before I headed upstairs. If he's hurt we need to know about it. I walked into his room only to see him asleep on the bed...however I did want to see what laf was talking about so I quietly walked over and pulled his shirt up slightly...I gasped there were so many scars long and large to small and slim. I felt the tears poor out of my eyes...then I remembered Lafayette said something about scars on his arms. I pulled up his sleeves to see bandaged covering his arms. I gently pulled them off only to see deep red lines cut across his arms some with blood pooling out others with dry blood around them. I sobbed and put the wraps back on before I headed back down stairs George needed to know about this.
"George honey" I said walking into his study
"Yes Martha dear"
"I need to speak to you about Alex" I said somberly
"What's wrong" he asked
"He's covered in scars and I'm afraid he's been hurting himself...I was cuts upon cuts all down his arms"
He put his work down and gave me a hug. I just cried and cried in his arms.
"What are we going to do" I asked
"We're going to wait if this continues then we will help him, ok?" He said
"Ok I love you George"
"I love you too Martha"


Word count: 1878

I finally rewrote the first chapter although it still sucks...whoops :)

Have a nice day love y'all bai

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