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Alexander's backstory


He opens the door and I was meet with Alexander he had red puffy eyes.
"Um hey Madison..." He said weirdly
"Hi Alexander"
"What do you need?"
"Um I was wondering what exact actually happened to you like what's your back story?" Speaking very softly
"Um that's a long unsettling story" he said voice laced with sadness
"Well I have time to listen"
He began to talk
"Well when I came out as bisexual to my father he didn't take it well and he um he hit me for awhile be ogre leaving us alone and taking away all our money...2 years later me and my mom got really sick and she cared about me so she gave me the only medicine we could afford, she died about a week later, that's when I picked up a bad habit revolving around a razor,I only had my brother and cousin left, my cousin killed himself and we were then truly left alone, at age 13 a hurricane hit my little town of Nevis and killed my brother, the rotate corpses rose up from the beach waters, and after that I was put into the foster care system it wasn't good...they um hit me, did things that made me feel dirty, and then I was transferred here, it all seemed good until the morning came. Thomas he um he raped me" he said whispered the raped part
"And I eventually got to a relationship with James Reynolds, turns out that he was to hit me too, rape me, the whole shebang, James was arrested and I was adopted, met you, and am currently talking about my past with you, oh and also I'm dating John and forgave Thomas he explain why it happened and apologized profoundly"
His voice only quivered slightly during parts but his eyes flashed unbearable pain.
"Oh I'm sorry Hamilton" I said with obvious pity lacing my voice
"Alex" me mumbled
"Call me Alex" he said clearly
"Ok then Alex call me James" I said with a hint of playfulness
"Alright then James" he grinned
I walked out and went back over to Tommys room and sat on his bed before talking to him.
"Hey Jemmy"
I smiled at the name
"Hey tommy"
"What's up"
"I know what you did"
He frowned
"I wasn't thinking and I was..."
I silenced him
"Hey I'm not mad"(it changed to I'm hot mad)
"What wha??" He liked as confused a Person witnessing a duck meow...
"I'm not mad at you. He told me you apologized and that he forgave you so I'm not mad"
He looked me in the eyes and hugged me,
I heated up but hugged back.
I felt the slight tears hit the back of my short.
I pulled away and wiped away his tears
"Hey don't cry it's alright"
Without thinking I pecked his nose,
He jumped back and fell off the bed,
"Um shoot sorry I wasn't thinking"
He started laughing?
"Hey it's fine"
We looked at each other awkwardly before he spoke up.
"Um hey I should probably go put on my pajamas"
"Um ok:)"
He came back out wearing the cutest little Care Bears onesie and holding a stuffed rubber duck.
That's when A knock was heard at the door.
"Who is it" he shouted
"It's me Lafayette"
"Come in"
Lafayette walked in and mumbled something to him.
"Um James I'll be right back"
I wonder what's wrong?


He came in and whispered into my ear
"Hamilton needs the help like now I don't what to do"
I told Jemmy bye and ran to his room he was hiding under his bed crying.
"Alex are you ok!!"
"Yeah what's wrong!!"
He just cried more. I knew what was happening. I ran up next to him and attempted to calm him down.
He calmed down after awhile and in pressed again.
"Hey can you tell me what's wrong"
He took a deep breath
"He escaped and only hint he left was 'I'm coming you little bitch'"
"Who broke out"
"My last father" he cringed at the word
"Oh shit Alex it'll be ok"
He looked at me terrified
"But you don't know him he's relentless"
"I'm sure you'll be fine" I said with fear in my voice.
There was a knock on the door Alex jumped up.
"Oh I forgot I called John to come over"
He ran down stairs and we heard a door open. And then silence? Then a distant and short yell?
I ran down the stairs to the door the door was open and there was no one there. But Alex was in the back of a car with a strange man.
James and Lafayette ran down the stairs and I fell to my knees. Soon mum and dad ran to the door.
"Thomas what's wrong" mum pressured
"He took Alex he broke out of prison and kidnapped Alex"
"Who?" Lafayette asked nervous
"The man who he was taking about after he calmed down"
I didn't realize I was crying until I saw the tears hit the floor.
I was enveloped in a hug I looked up to see James. He helped me up and led me to my room. He stated to rub my back and helped to calm me down.
"Hey it's ok"
How is this ok
"NO it's not ok I just got his forgiveness and now he's been kidnapped because I let him do down there alone!!"
I snapped louder than I meant to
"Jemmy I'm sorry"
"It's ok your in shock and sadness"
"I-i let him go out there alone"
"It's not your fault you didn't know"
"I just"
He placed a finger over my lips
"He wouldn't want to blame yourself, now sleep we will go to the police tomorrow will your family and see what they can do he wouldn't want you like this"
"I promise now go to sleep"
"Ok night Jemmy"
"Night tommy"
I fell asleep not long after my head hit the fabric of the pillow hoping that Alex would be ok.

A new chapter finally it's been so long but oh no he's been kidnapped, I didn't sleep last night or the night before so I'm tired and this probably sucks but fuck it. Enjoy:)

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