Not through my blood

201 5 9

I was nominated by PsychoticMango1799

10 things about me

1) I have 6 siblings

2) gravity falls is life

3) I really like the show voltron legendary defender(from Netflix)

4) I've hoped the schools fence to get someone's shoes

5) I'm learning ASL (America sign language)

6) I only have friends that don't really care about me

7) I do care a lot about my friends but I don't show it so there's less heart break if they leave me.

8) from grades K-4 I had no friends so I misbehaved allot and in grade 3 I received about 7 detentions.

9) I had a girlfriend but her parents made a spilt up and lose all contact with each other

10) I don't get sunburnt like ever

Joke- my life's goals and dreams

1)we find Alex's perspective again and we meet Jenny
2) lance tells Pidge about his issues and thoughts(it auto corrected to thots...)

poly-lesbian 1
550blopmier3779 2
AngelicaAndEliza 4
Im-Eliza 5
AnimeIsNotForKids2 6
rossloveanime 7
AlexanderNotHamilton 8
Cityismyvoltron 9
IceVentom2950 10
LadyAlvera 11
_Peggy_Schuyler 12
_JaffaCakes_ 13
A_Satanic_Flower 14
AKfreakin47 15
aapaul666 16
_Peggy_Schuyler 17
Ghatz222 19
AutumnGhost 20
PBandJohnLaurens 21
get_the_best_of_me 22
goddess_of_lams 23
BayleyGalfano3 24
Flawsome-Sauce 25
JamesMadisonIsMe 26
JemLex415 27
Majestic_ruler123 28

Hi again. Bye now

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