The schuyler sisters

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Face reveal^^^ best picture I have of me...

Pickup line- I seemed to of lost my number, but may I have yours?(ughh it's bad like really bad)


After I got out of the hospital John called a girl names Peggy? Anyways he told us to meet them at the park in 20 minutes so we are on our way now.
"Hey Alex" John said
"Yeah what's up"
"Peggy is a bit loud and I just don't want to getting scared ok"
"Alright John just don't let her touch me"
"Ok?" He semi questioned
(Very small time skip)

When we got to a lark there were three girls one was in a blue t-shirt and skirt, one was in a pink shirt hat said 'feminist power', and then there was a girl in a bright yellow sun dress.
John called out to them
"Hey Angelica!"
She wiped her head around as we started walking. She pulled out her hand to shake mine...I flinched. I took her hand
"Angelica schyler"
"Alexander Hamilton" she smiled abit as a the yellow one pushed her out of the way she grabbed my hand and shook it
"Hi Alexander Hamilton I'm Peggy schyler"
I back up a bit
She giggled
"Whoops sorry if I scared you"
"It fine"
The blue girl came up and I shook her hand
"Elizabeth schyler call me Eliza"
"Nice to meet you call me Alex"
She smiled
Peggy came back over and pulled my jacket hood over my head. I fell down laughing.


Peggy was joking around with Alex....Angelica and Eliza were staring at him with helpless eyes. I don't like it!!!
"Hey John what's wrong"
He came from behind and wrapped his arms around my neck... I turned around and kissed him
"Nothing love"
"Well alright" he said it with uncertainty
I looked back at Eliza and Angelica to find them looking heartbroken... Alexander hugged me and then walked away... Angelica walked over to Laf.
"Hey Laf you want to go to your house"
"I don't see why not mama and papa aren't home hey went on a trip wile little Alex was in the hospital"
"Yes!!" She screamed

(Smol time skip excuse)

We got back to the dorm and the first thing Peggy did was run to the liquor cabinet!!!
"So guys we are playing truth or dare if you don't do the date or say the truth you have to drink!!" She shouted
"Umm Peggy is that safe we have school tomorrow" Alex said twiddling his thumbs
"Uh Alex it's only Saturday"
He jumped up
"Wait I was in that fucking hospital for over a week!"
"Um yeah Alex... He beat ya pretty dang good"
"Who hurt my child" Peggy had literall flames in her eyes
"Umm Peggy if your my mom then you're dead" Alex said while laughing
The sisters looked really sad
"What do you mean Alex" Peggy said carefully
"She died when I was twelve" he started laughing
"Oh Alex I'm sorry but I will be your new mother"
"Ok sure" he started laughing insanely...
"Hey Alex are you alright" Laf said with caution
"Ok yeah sorry" Alex whispered slime my
"By the way it was James and a police officer who thought I was James and shot me...then John and I were playing and my stitches opened up again but I'm fine now!" He smiled during the last part.
Peggy jumped back up
"Ok so Alex truth or dare"
Peggy gave him e evil smirk
"I dare you to go in the closet with your least favorite person here"
He smiled and began walking to the closet
"Wait I said your least favorite"
"I am my least favorite"
He walked into the closet.
Peggy waited 5 minutes before calling out
"Ok Alex you can come out now"
He came out smiling brightly wig a tinge of red in his eyes
"Hey Eliza truth or dare" he said
"Truth" she piped up
"What's your most terrifying story"
"Um well when we were little our house burned down"
"Oh shit" he said eyes wide
"Hey Laf truth or dare"
"I dare you to kiss Hercules"
He leaned down and kissed Hercules very heavily. They big pulled away
"Hey John truth or dare"
"I dare you to kiss Peggy"
I took one look at Peggy's horrified face.
"Hey Peggy hook me up with a shot of vodka"
Her face lightened up into a smirk and she came over with the vodka and poured me a shot. She high fives me and yelled
"Gay bros"
I took the shot.
"Hey Angie truth or dare"
"I dare you to stick your face in the flour bin"
"How about no. Peggy where's the vodka"
Peggy came around and poured Angie a shot of vodka and she downed it.
"Hey Eliza truth or dare" she shouted from across the room
"Truth" Eliza said in return
"Who was your kindergarten crush"
"Ugh really he such a dick I don't see why I ever liked him but Thomas Jefferson"
We all started laughing.
"He looks like a q-tip" Alex bursted out
The laugher counting end until someone's phone went off.
"Hello mama"
"Ok I love you Bai"
We all began to quickly clean the house and nearly finished when they walked through the door.


My god I am really sorry for lack of update and including the updates, but school and my home is conflicting my attempted writing schedule. Yet for this I have a compromise I will attempt to write a chapter for this every Wednesday and Sunday if possible and for my other book last shot hopefully every Monday and Thursday but it may not be possible so bare with me... She y'all next time

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