James reynolds

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Johns pov

I heard Alexander was coming to school today. I get to see him again. He is so cute I mean short... There he is who's that he is talking to...JAMES REYNOLDS OH HELL NO I'm marching my ass down to Alex.
"Hey Alex whatcha doing"
"Hm nothing just talking to someone"
"And who was that?"
"James Reynolds"
Yup how did I know
"Anyways hey when the last time you ate anything?"
"About a month ago"
"You should've told me, I can get you to eat and will"
"No,I'm not sorry"
"Fine Lets just go"
Alex wandered off sometime in the yard. Wonder where he went. Nah he's fine he can manage his own he looks like he would kill someone if they laid a hand on him...boy was I wrong.

James pov

This Alex kid sounds like fun. According to Thomas he is scared of just about everything. This will be fun.
"Hey kid what's your name man"
"Alexander Hamilton and whom might you be"
"The name is James Reynolds "
"Can you believe all the chaos the upcoming election will cause"
"Haha yeah vote for them you twat, no don't be stupid you clod, it's all a jumbled mess of annoyance"
"Can you touch my shoulder please it's a test" I placed my hand on his shoulder he didn't move
"That means I do feel safe around you thanks"
Things where going well till I saw John and I ran. They talked for a while then began to walk random places. So knowingly I grabbed Alex when he wasn't looking and said the only thing I could to make him stay.
"Alexander Hamilton will go out with me"
"Um......sure James"
"Yes yes yes yes yes"
"Bye James"
"Bye Lexi"
He somewhat flinched at the name...who cares have a toy again.

Alexander's pov

He asked me out. I said yes. No of that trigger what's about to happen the nickname did.
"Bye Lexi"
A memory came back
You filthy little bastard you are lucky we adopted you. On the wall now Lexi. One belt crack, 2,3,4,5,6.....,22 now Lexi go to the room got it.
I ran back to John
"Oh hey Lexi where did you go"
"Please don't call me that brings up memories"
"Oh sorry Alex but where did you go"
"James wanted to talk to me"
"What did he say"
"He asked me to go out with him"
"What did you say"
"Ugh Alex why"
"Because he is really nice"
"I disagree"
"He wouldn't harm a fly"

He wouldn't harm a fly

Here's where the boyfriend come
In that saying will be important so remember that. I'm writing this in bed right now and it's like 6am and I don't want to go to school today.

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