Chpater: JEnny BiTcH

171 3 2

Trigger warnings-
Well down not so bad gore.


I walked back to the house where I found Alex. I was going to look for the man he mentioned on the notepad. I walked through the door and saw him lying on the floor beer bottles surrounded him. I grabbed my hand cuffs and went to arrest him. As I put my arm on the his hand he grabbed my arm and pulled me towards him. He locked me in his grip and leaned in close to my ear and whispered "where's my Alex"
I carefully removed my blade from its sheath beneath my shirt.
"Let me go" I yelled at him
"No" he said
With no warning I plunged the knife into his stomach. He let go of me and fell on the floor. He yelled as the blood ran through the wound in his stomach. I grabbed to wallow talkie and buzzed in to the police station
"Subject petterson has been wounded hurry I need back up"
"Got it" the team buzzed back
He stood back up and lunges at me. I placed the knife where his leg would hit. He ran into the knife stabbing open his leg. He fell down to the floor again. He attempted to get up but fell back down. I was caught off guard and he grabbed my leg and started dragging me closer to him. I attempted to kick him in the face but he resisted the force. I did the next best thing and cut along the top of his hand. He screamed as the back up I called for walked in. I called 911 and requested an ambulance. The ambulance came and I rode with him in case he tried any funny businesses. I took this time to examine the wound on his hand. I had cut down to the bones in his hand and the blood was still leaking as the bones twitched from the movement of his hand. When we arrived at the hospital I was kept in the waiting room. I called a member from the office to come and interrogate him and left.
I walked down the street to look for any crimes that usually happened on this street. I looked at the corner and saw the whole gang of sisters. I walked towards them.
"Hey what are you all doing" I teased them
They all looked startled
"We heard a women named Jenny was at the hospital with a man who kidnapped our friend" Angelica spoke up
I laughed "what don't recognize me on uniform"
Eliza was the first to notice
"Wait Jenny!?!"
"Oh good" she hugged.
peggy bounced up
"Hey Alex invited to his house for dinner"
"Wait what"
"Yup" the three sisters said.
I started walking with them towards Alex's house. We had small talk about weird stuff like snail and diapers. When we go there Peggy knocked on the door. Alex opened the door
"Hey Jenny, Peggy, Angelica, and Eliza come in"
I walked in and saw a large banner hanging on the wall.
'Thanks for saving our Alex"

I was enveloped in a hug . I was to shocked to do anything.
"Guys I was just doing my job"
The person hugging me let go.
"But you weren't assigned to save him but you did" I realized the person as Alexander's mother.
"Now let's go we all helped make dinner."
I followed her to the kitchen where everyone was just magically sitting already. She placed me in a seat and I listened to their chatter. When she brought out the plates I was shocked. There were several plates of food. I heard someone sigh "well thank god no quail eggs"
I didn't understand but all the sisters laughed. I started eating and the food was amazing. And I let everyone know as such. It was a good night.


Update...this was sheer laziness. Oh and also I deleted some parts from a couple chapters ago.

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