Chapter 8

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When I finally got out of the hospital my friends helped me make a plan to leave James. They where with me hiding when I went to break up with him. I causally approached him
"James I'm sorry but I need to break up with you"
"This is not an equal relationship"
"You are not leaving my me remember last time~" he whispered in my ear
"Yes I am"
"No your not" he punched me in my gut as I fell to the ground, my friends jumped from behind the wall and pulled James away from me as John called the cops. He hung up and walked over to me. He sat on the ground next to me. He pulled me close and hugged me tight, it looked and felt like he was holding me to prevent me from leaving? We heard the sirens and I saw the police get out of there vehicles but with out warning I heard a loud gun crack and a unbearable pain in my stomach. I heard John scream. My hearing started faltering, my eyes where getting heavy, and I felt a warm all to familiar substance trail down from my stomach. I closed my eyes and rested. While hearing the faint sound of an siren again.

I held Alex close so I could protect him. He kept trying to get out of my grip. I held him tighter. Then e police got here, they took one look at him and me holding him down, one raised there gun and shot him in the stomach. I screamed in heart break as the blood from his stomach fell to the ground. He closed his eyes just as the ambulance sirens where heard. I saw the police handcuff James while Alex was being put on a stretcher. I felt two pairs of arms wrap around me.
"Hey John mon ami we have to go now the hospital will call us when he is out of surgery"
I just nodded, I slowly got up and waked silently back to the car and got in. Hercules drove off and I was still in the back silently crying.
(Time skip-3 hours)
We sat in the dorm all crying until we heard a phone ringing. I ran start to it and was greeted by a lady, I put her on speaker,
"Hello we are here inform you hat Mr. Hamilton is out of surgery and you can now visit him if you would like to"
"Thank you so much"
I hung up
And we all filed back into the car. Laf raced over the speed limit and we got to the hospital bc my quickly.
I was panting when we got up there.
"Excuse me miss we are here for Alexander Hamilton."
"He's in room 1804 again"
I rushed to the room and saw him there. He smiled when he saw me.
"Hey John"
"I saw my mother again"
I felt a sadness in my heart.
"She told me to go back because you guys needed me"
"We do Alexander we all do"
I walked up and pulled his chin up and locked my lips with his forgetting about everyone else in the room. There was an unbearable silence, until Martha and George burst into the room Martha screamed
"Mrs. Washington please"
"Martha love let them explain"
She went and knelt down next to Alexander
"Hey Alex what happened"
"Well I went to break up with James only this time my friends where with me he threw a punch and Lafayette and mulligan held him down while John was holding me because my stomach hurt like hell. Then the police got here and made a grave mistake. They thought I was James and shot me in the stomach"
"Alex baby"
She hugged him, Alex winced under the sudden contact. We told crappy jokes until the doctor kicked us all out because of visiting hours. And for the first time I saw him give a genuine smile.



Apart from that yes another confusing chapter....whoops...

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