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Taking a break from jeffmads for a bit.


I sat in the back of his car tears finding there ways down my face. We arrived at a small abandoned house at the edge of town. He opens my door and pushed me out of the car. With no warning I'm being dragged on my knees towards the house. He opened the door to the house and threw me in.
My eyes landed on a tiny pole in the middle  of the room. I felt a strong force hit me before the world went black. 
I woke up with A broken leg and I was handcuffed to the pole. (Killing stalking bitches) I heard footsteps from the upstairs they quickly transferred to down stairs I closed my eyes before I felt a hand caress the sides of my face. I opened my eyes and felt him force me to smile.
"Let go of me prick"
I felt the slap
"That's not what you are told to call me pet!"
He said anger evident in his voice.
"Fuck you" I hissed
"Why you little shit your going to the red room now you ungrateful little prick!!"
I was terrified now every trace of braveness gone.
"No sir please no!" I screamed
Everything went black again.

When I woke up I was naked and attached to a bed. I knew what was coming with no warning what so ever he jumped up and crawled on top of me and bent down to my ear and whispered
"Oh look the little boy all chained and defenseless I wonder what would happen if anyone were to take advantage of that."
"Fuck off" I hissed
"I don't know where you got this ungrateful additive but that will soon change into a polite additive"
Before I knew what was happening. It started. The pain flared through me. It hurt worse than Thomas, and Charles.
"I-I'm sorry please sir stop"
"Shut up and let me finish in close you little shit"
I started sobbing now as he finishes me off.
"I'm not done yet"
He sat me up and positioned me near his area.
"Suck you little slut"
I did as I was told. Except I bit him. He yelled in pain before force him down my throat. He released down my throat and got dressed before walking off leaving me on the bed. I cried. Until I fell asleep.

Thomas's pov-

We want to the police and talked to them and try said that they would try to find him as soon as possible. We started to walk home unaware that our hands were interlocked with each other's. I opene the front door and was meet with a fluffy haired boy crying in the couch.
"Um hello who are you"
The boy looked up and I recognized it as John.
I let go of Jemmy's hand and hugged him
"I'm so sorry John I should've known by the knock it wasn't you"
"He said he texted you to come over"
"I lost my phone"
"Yesterday morning when..."
"When what?"
"When the news was released about him escaping"
"Oh god do you think he stole your phone"
"Probably" he racketeered with more violent cries.
"It's ok it's not your fault"
"No buts like Jemmy said he wouldn't want us to cry"
"Ok but I hope he comes back to me soon o miss him"
"I miss him to"


Little chapter but um I can't write smut so it's harder to write rape so it sucks and thx for you help with figuring out what type of Genre this book is(it auto corrected to HENERY) my brother pointed that out to me so thanks for that:) have a nice night.

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