Chapter 2

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Suicidal thoughts

Alexander's pov
I woke up in my bed. A large figure suddenly looming over me.
"Yes Alexander"
"What the fuck are you doing"
"What's it look like pretty girl"
My eyes widened as he smirked. I tried to fight but with out warning he shoved a cloth in my mouth and told me to shut up. He then proceeded to tie my arms behind my back. But not before taking off my shirt. I squirmed around I knew where this was going. Thomas began to pull my pants and boxers down slowly as though to torture me. He began stripping himself till he was left with nothing on. I felt the tears pour out of my eyes like faucets before a felt a sharp pain. I closed my eyes tight not wanting to see what was happening. That is until he smacked me.
"Look at me you filthy like slut"
When I still didn't he pried them open and forced me to look at what he was doing. He began going faster more sloppy he was a moaning mess while I cried and cried. Then he whisper-shouted something
"F-fuck Alexander I'm so close" with a victorious smirk. I felt the color drain from my face. I tried to speak trough the gag. He pretended not to hear me and kept going until I felt a substance enter me. He pulled out, untied my arms, and left me there. I got the cloth out of my mouth and screamed a bloodcurdling scream hoping someone but Thomas would here.

Martha's pov

We raced upstairs to find Hamilton crying on his bed. Where are his clothes. George went over and set an arm on his back and he screamed
He was startled at the come back George got him a pair of boxers and we all left as he got dressed. He walked out of his bed room to be greeted by me and George.
"Son what happened"
He began sobbing.
"We need to know what happened dear"
His sobbing dialed down but silent tears flew down his cheeks
"T-Thomas he-he raped me"
And then he fell to the floor sobbing and shaking. George picked him up and walked down the stairs to the living room and set him on the couch. Lafayette began to comfort him as clung to Lafayette. I pulled George to the side.
"What the hell. Why would Thomas do some thing like that"
"No clue dear I'll talk with him when he gets home"
We walked back over to Hamilton
"Hey Alexander honey did he wear protection"
He violently shook his head
"Is that what made it so bad"
He shook his head more and then he spoke
"My old families they -raped me a lot and sure they made me feel worthless. But they never never didn't wear protection. He used me like all the others but this time worse." Tears began escaping my eyes as I hugged him tight you could feel him tense up badly.
Just then a certain Thomas walked trough the door. I grabbed George and we started follow him up.

~Alexander's pov~

Thomas walked trough the door and George and mrs.Washington walked away.
Just die already
Kill yourself
Worthless whore
"Alexander Hamilton don't you ever think about that again"
"Did I Just say all that aloud"
"Yes, don't do it we will miss you"
"But it's all true Thomas already told me you don't care, I trust him"
Hurt was in his eyes
"Alexander don't listen to him we love you all of us it will all get better soon"
"Ok" nothing would get better and I knew that.

Short chapter I'm running out of time I have stupid math homework...god I'm so weird.
Anyways bye.

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