Insert cool name

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More garbage art too...
Trigger warnings-
Self harm
Self hatred(in a way)

Alex's pov
James walked up to me after school.
"Hey Alex do you want to go to the park"
"Alright cool meet me there at 5"
Just then Washington pulled up and yelled
"Hamilton Lafayette lets gi"
I hoped on the car and Lafayette whispered
"Hey I saw you with James Reynolds just now"
"Oh yeah he asked to go on a date with him"
"Alex no James is not a good partner he abused his last boyfriend"
"James wouldn't do that"
"He did stay away"
"James isn't bad at all"
Lafayette scoffed and turned his head towards the window
"Don't say I didn't warn you."
I felt like crying James isn't that bad, he is nice and amazing.
-time skip to right before he goes to meet James-
I pulled on a hoodie and began walking to the park to meet James.
"Hey Alex"
I turned and saw James
"Hey James"
"Glad you came"
"Yeah this place is beautiful"
We spent a solid hour there before he spoke up
"Hey let's head back to my place for a bit"
We began walking to his place he got out w key and unlocked the door we went inside and up to what I assumed was his room. Next thing I know he closed and locked the sort and pressed me up against a wall.
"James what are you doing"
"Shut up you whore"
"Let's go of me please..."
"Nah Thomas said you where a fun little toy, and every toy needs to be played with and eventually broken down and thrown away"
I started crying and he shoved me into the bed.
Time skip(yeah I'm not writing this again..."
I woke up naked on a bed with James as the memories started flooding back...I had sex with James. He hit me, choked me, and used me. I pulled on my clothes and left waddling back to my house and entire body was aching still but this time 10x's worse that before. I stumbled inside and somehow escaped Lafayette, Thomas, and my foster parents. I wne tip to my room and dabbed(not like that) my bruises and cuts. I got into the shower and scrubbed my body until my skin was red. The filth of James was still there. I fell to the ground sobbing. I saw the little sliver object there. I picked it up and applied pressure to my wrist and slid the familiar felling of the cold metal on my flesh. The blood fell down the shower drain. I rinsed the little object off and turned off the water. I applied bandages to my cuts and bruises. I changed into my pajamas and laid down. Laf wasn't here yet. I cited my sled to sleep repeating this phrase in my mind.

James wouldn't harm a fly


Sorry for not updating bad writers block so this is probably bad as f but eh. Also I'm thinking about deleting my other book or just completely rewriting it because it is garbage so yeah...ITS FUCKING RAINING RIGHT NOW I HATE THE RAIN!!!

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