Attempted *blank*

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Lafayette's pov
Hamilton was muttering about killing himself under his breath again. That's when he started shaking and crying. I shook him awake. He jumped up.
"Hey are you ok you where crying and shaking in your sleep"
He looked fearful
"Did I say anything?"
"Uh yeah you said stuff about killing yourself...please don't do it we care about you"
"Heh ok...yeah right"
"I heard that"
"Hey Alex do you want to meet my friends today?" I inquired
He thought for a moment
"Yeah that sounds nice"
"Well let's go I'm supposed to meet them at the park in about 10 minutes"
I got up and he limped behind me as we made our way to the park.

Joh laurens pov

Me and herc were waiting for Lafayette at the park. When he finally got here there was a cut- Nope no gay thoughts. Tiny man behind him.
"Yo Lafayette who's the little one" Hercules boomed. The smaller one fell to the ground and whimpered. Lafayette leaned down and picked the smaller man up and set him on the bench.
"Herc mon ami this iz Alexander my new brother remember"
I extended my hand
"Well hello Alexander" he immediately flinched away from my hand. I put my hand back down.
"My name is Hercules mulligan I need no introduction" he smiled a little sAtIsFiEd at how his voice was softer. I realized I was staring he looked me right I the eye. We both tried to hide our blush.

Hercules pov

I pulled Lafayette to the side away from Alex and John.
"Laf what's wrong with that kid he seems so easily scared"
"Mon ami he was how you say abused, and raped by his old families...and recently by Thomas"
"That poor kid must be traumatized"
"He has a little picture of his family smiling I wonder what happened to Zhem."
"He is ok thought right"
" I have no clue he was mumbling about killing himself in his sleep can you help me watch over him"
"Of course" I immediately respond back.
"Thanks mon Amour I mean ami"
"What's that mean"
"Uh idiot"
"Ok sure..?"
We walked back just to see both him and John a blushing mess with John and his arm wrapped around Hamilton.
"Hey love birds we have to go lets see if Martha will let us stay"
They got up trying to say something John shouted
"Hercules I don't like him that's absurd besides we just met each other"
"Love at first sight"
Alex looks a little upset but I brushed it off the others walked ahead but I stayed back with Alexander.
"Hey Alex if you don't mind me asking what happened to your family"
"Um...I don't want to tell anyone yet" and with that he left to join the rest of the revolutionary set. Must've been bad what happened to them. I won't push him any further.
Short chapter yeah but I'm busy today so I don't really have time but here is where he meets the squad. I spelled shit wrong that I will change later because of FRICKING auto correct so yeah but enjoy.

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