Chapter 11

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I can't believe him!! How dare he cheat on me!
Maybe he was drunk
I that doesn't change anything
But you still love him
That's what I'm afraid of.. I've only been dating now him for about a month, and in secret to
"Lafayete wait"
"Non you cheated on me"
"I'm sorry laf"
He grabbed my arm
"I was drunk, I went to a bar, I wasn't feeling anything, and I wanted to see you!! I thought it was you but when I woke up it was a girl!! I'm sorry"
"You didn't mean to"
"No I would never mean to hurt you Lafayette"
"Ok I believe you Hercules"
"Thanks so much Laf"
He scooped me up and kissed me
"At you are still in the-the dog house" I said struggling to remember
"How did you even get into a bar"
"Well um funny story" I flashed him a look
"I looked older than 21 so I used my fake id"
"Mon amor why are you sush a chienne"
"A what"
"I. Called you a bitch"
He placed his hand over my heart
"Marie-Joseph long ass name Lafayette I never thought I hear those words come out of your mouth" he laughed
"Let's go" I giggled back a bit
We walked away hand in hand...merde I love this man.

I was finally allowed to leave the hospital. I hate that place-not strongly dislike hate.
The washingtons is back to their place. Me and John sat in the back seat. Laf had a big goofy grin on his face.
"Hey Laf what's so exciting"
"Well as you know you will soon be my real brother" he somewhat squealed
"Oh yeah! How did I forget that" I laughed
He shoot a glance at Hercules and he nodded
"Alexander me and Hercules are dating we ave been for over a month"
I screamed
He laughed
"Mon ami you sound like Peggy" he said
They all gasped and John spoke up
"Wait Alex we never got the chance to show you our other friends they Schuyler sisters"
"Who in the frick frack are the Schuyler sisters"
"Don't worry Alex you'll meet them soon"
"Um ok" I breathed out still confused
"Let's go meet the Schuyler sisters"
We all started walking out of the hospital to a car. I had a nagging feeling guilt, self hatred, worthlessness? I don't know... But I'll kept it inside so I dorm worry the others.


Little filler chapter because I'm lazy. So in school today I rewrote a paragraph  7 times because it was still garbage, well my friend called me out and just announced to my teacher and the whole class
"Me.kimmel can you tell her to stop she's written that paragraph 7 times!"
He looked at her and flat out said
"Why do you care if she wanted to re do it let her besides I'm glad someone in the third nine weeks is trying on this assignment"
The whole class just went
While I laughed!!

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